Rock News

  • Stepping Stones (3 years – 4th grade) and FaithInk (5th-8th grade)  will begin with a family picnic on September 4. Watch for more details coming soon!

    The first night of faith building activities will be September 11 from 6:30-7:30 at The Rock on level 2.  Learn more about Stepping Stones and Faith Ink on our website, and register your kids by clicking on the “Register Here” links. Families with high school students can learn more about our Godparents program here.

  • We are still in need of people willing to assist us in keeping our grass in good shape. We’ve been gifted a beautiful new riding lawn mower–now we just need people to ride it! To sign up, talk to Tim Butler or visit this link:

  • Do you have a heart for moms and kids? Over forty area moms are connecting through the ministry of Seward Moms of Preschoolers (MOPS) but more help is needed with child care to make the meetings possible. Volunteer or paid positions are available to help with one or two Friday meetings per month on a regular or occasional basis from 8:45-11:15am. Please e-mail Karlie at [email protected] if interested.

  • We are seeking greeters to help connect people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! To sign up to greet, please click here. Contact Diana Boring at [email protected] with any questions.

  • Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. Our August item is canned fruit. If you plan your shopping in advance, we’ll be collecting boxed meals in September.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd).  Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance.  Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and Friday at 9:00 a.m.  Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m. join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements.  They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.

    Below you will find the September YogaFaith schedule.  Please let us know if you have any questions. No classes on Sept. 1 and 5.

    Candlelight YogaFaith on Sundays at 7:00 pm  – September 8, 15, 22, and 29 (no class on Sept. 1)
    All Level YogaFaith on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm –  September 3, 10, 17, and 24
    All Level YogaFaith on Thursdays at 5:30 pm – September 12, 19, and 26 (no class on September 5)
    All Level YogaFaith on Fridays at 9:00 am –  September 6, 13, 20, 27

Rock News

  • Our tentative date for the next voters’ meeting is Sunday, July 27 after worship. We’ll elect leaders and adopt a budget. Not sure if you’re a registered voting member? Check with Bill Schranz or Tim Moll for more information.

  • We are still in need of people willing to assist us in keeping our grass in good shape. We’ve been gifted a beautiful new riding lawn mower–now we just need people to ride it! To sign up, talk to Tim Butler or visit this link:

  • Thank you to all who made it possible, through your donations and prayers, for our teens to go to the LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis. It was an amazing experience for them.

  • Christ-centered education opportunity:  Are you looking for a quality Christ-centered and community engaged school for your child? Our Redeemer Lutheran School in Staplehurst currently has openings in all grades, starting in 3-year-old preschool through 8th grade. If you have any questions please call Principal Anson at the school at 402-535-2251 to schedule a visit. We would love to have your family be a part of our family at Our Redeemer.

  • Greeter Meeting: On Aug. 4 after the service, we will have a short meeting with all those interested in greeting.  Please come with your ideas and questions so we can help visitors to the best worship experience possible. Contact Diana Boring at [email protected] with any questions.

  • This month we’re collecting canned meat for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry (but not tuna, which has its own month!). The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  While Marge Rhodes is taking a break from Thursday evening yoga for the summer, YogaFaith will offer an all levels class  on Thursdays at 5:30 in room 216. Also, they offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 7-8 p.m. each week in the summer. Everyone is welcome to join a 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the most recent YogaFaith schedule here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram.

Rock News

  • Look for our float in the parade! Members of the Rock worship band will be performing some of our favorite songs while on a float in the Seward 4th of July parade. Sing along when you hear them coming!

  • We are in need of people willing to assist us in keeping our grass in good shape. We’ve been gifted a beautiful new riding lawn mower–now we just need people to ride it! To sign up, talk to Tim Butler or visit this link:
  • National Youth Gathering Meetings: Teens are requested to stay after the service on July 7 for lunch and a pre-gathering Bible study. This Bible study is important for the group to share together, so we hope you will make an extra effort to come.

  • Christ-centered education opportunity:  Are you looking for a quality Christ-centered and community engaged school for your child? Our Redeemer Lutheran School in Staplehurst currently has openings in all grades, starting in 3-year-old preschool through 8th grade. If you have any questions please call Principal Anson at the school at 402-535-2251 to schedule a visit. We would love to have your family be a part of our family at Our Redeemer.

  • We are still seeking greeters to help connect people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected]. We’ll have a greeting meeting in August just before school starts again.

  • If you still have some “just add water” pancake mix for the Blue Valley Food Pantry, please bring on Sunday. In July we’ll be collecting canned meat (but not tuna, which has its own month!). The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Click here to download the summer newsletter from Nebraska Lutherans for Life.

  • Please note – YogaFaith will be taking the 4th and 5th of July off!
    Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  While Marge Rhodes is taking a break from Thursday evening yoga for the summer, YogaFaith will offer an all levels class  on Thursdays at 5:30 in room 216. Also, they offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 7-8 p.m. each week in the summer. Everyone is welcome to join a 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the May YogaFaith schedule here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram


Rock News

  • We are in need of people willing to assist us in keeping our grass in good shape. We’ve been gifted a beautiful new riding lawn mower–now we just need people to ride it! To learn more, talk to Tim Butler or click here to sign up for a time slot.

  • National Youth Gathering Meetings: Teens are requested to stay after the service on July 7 for lunch and a pre-gathering Bible study. This Bible study is important for the group to share together, so we hope you will make an extra effort to come.

  • Fundraiser for National Youth Gathering:  Colorful envelopes are on a table in the cafe for any who would like to help the teens and adult leaders with their expenses at the National Youth Gathering. Those envelopes can be put in the offering baskets or given to Pastor Mike or Kim Myers. The group leaves on July 10 and will be back on July 15. Please pray for them as they head off to this event.
  • We are still seeking greeters to help connect people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected]. We’ll have a greeting meeting in August just before school starts again.

  • If you still have some “just add water” pancake mix for the Blue Valley Food Pantry, please bring on Sunday. In July we’ll be collecting canned meat (but not tuna, which has its own month!). The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Click here to download the summer newsletter from Nebraska Lutherans for Life.

  • Please note – YogaFaith will be taking the 4th and 5th of July off!
    Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  While Marge Rhodes is taking a break from Thursday evening yoga for the summer, YogaFaith will offer an all levels class  on Thursdays at 5:30 in room 216. Also, they offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 7-8 p.m. each week in the summer. Everyone is welcome to join a 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the May YogaFaith schedule here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram


Rock News


  • This Sunday we are celebrating Living Victoriously with our new message series! Show the joy we have on the inside by wearing bright colors on the outside. Wear your best Hawaiian shirt or something bright red (Huskers optional).

  • This Sunday, June 9, 2019, there will be a special meeting of the voting members of the Rock right after worship.  Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. Voting members will be asked to sign in and will be entitled to vote. The sole purpose of the meeting is to review and approve refinancing the Rock’s current building debt with Lutheran Church Extension Fund.  If you have questions about the financing for the debt, please talk to Scott Seevers, Wayne Bruns, or Dave Kumm. Not sure if you’re a voting member? Ask Bill Schranz or Tim Moll.

  • National Youth Gathering Meetings: Teens and parents, mark your calendars now so you can plan to stay after the service on June 16 and July 7 for lunch, information, and a pre-gathering Bible study. These Bible studies are really important for the group to share together, so we hope you will make an extra effort to come. Parents are encouraged to stay on June 16. The Rock is providing lunch.

  • Did you know that all of the adult leaders (including Pastor Mike) who help our youth attend the National Youth Gathering are self funded? If you would like to help offset the cost our leaders take on for this event, contact Wayne Bruns or Kim Myers about making a donation to assist one of them. You can also make a donation that is shared between the whole group.   

  • Family Space Trivia Night: Seward Memorial Library will host a Space Trivia Night for families on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m.  Find out how much you and your family know about space with trivia master Cliff Lowell. There will be prizes for participants during this one-hour competition. Make a team and register on the library website at

  • We are SEEKING GREETERS to help CONNECT people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected]. We’ll have a greeting meeting in August just before school starts again.

  • We’re collecting “just add water” pancake mix for the Blue Valley Food Pantry this June. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:00 am.  For the summer they will be offering an All-Levels YogaFaith class on Thursday nights. Also, they offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm each week in the summer.  Everyone is welcome to join them for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE! Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the June YogaFaith schedule here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram.

Rock News: Correction

One important announcement was left out of this week’s newsletter:

This Sunday, April 28, is the last day to register with Mary Kropf to have your mom’s (or wife, grandmother, etc.) name put in the Seward County Independent Mother’s Day ad which is sponsored by the Seward County Pro-Life Council.  Their theme is “Thank You Mom, For Giving Me Life.”  The cost is $1/name (a name will be printed only once in the ad).  The $1 will pay for the ad and any excess will be used by the SCPC as they see fit.  Mary will be in the Rock Cafe on Sunday before and after the service to register your names. The list will be given to the SCPC Sunday afternoon so be sure to register at church this Sunday!


Rock News


  • Join us for a Spring Clean-up day at The Rock on April 27 from 9:00 to noon. We’ll be tidying up inside and out, so there is work to be done even if it rains. Bring along some gardening and cleaning supplies and help us get our church home ready for summer.

  • Did you know that all of the adult leaders (including Pastor Mike) who help our youth attend the National Youth Gathering are self funded? If you would like to help offset the cost our leaders take on for this event, contact Wayne Bruns or Kim Myers about making a donation to assist one of them. You can also make a donation that is shared between the whole group.   Click here to make a donation online that is shared with the whole group (Yes! Even though the link says it’s for an Easter breakfast, it’s still active!)

  • We are SEEKING GREETERS to help CONNECT people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected].

  • We’re collecting paper towels for the Blue Valley Food Pantry this April. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • The Concordia University Men’s Basketball Team would like to invite all boys entering grades 3rd thru 12th (Fall grade 2019) to the Concordia Basketball Skills Camp on June 3rd-5th. Campers learn the fundamentals of basketball in a fun, competitive, and Christian environment. Held in the beautiful Walz Human Performance Complex, this camp includes basketball skill development, team and individual competitions with kids of similar age, and much more. Register online or download the brochure at or call 402-643-7310 for more information.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Yoga at The Rock:  Marge Rhodes teaches Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!

  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:45 am.  Also, we offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the May YogaFaith schedule  here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram.

Rock News

  • Join us for our Good Friday service at 6:30 tomorrow!  
  • Easter Breakfast: Join us starting at 9:00 on Easter morning for a breakfast of eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and fruit. Our teens will be serving you, and a freewill offering will be taken at the serving table to help cover some of their costs at this summer’s National Youth Gathering. If you’d like to help sponsor our teens, you can also give online through Thrivent. Thrivent covers all fees, so 100% of your online giving goes to the youth and their leaders. Click here to make a donation to send our kids to the Gathering. 
  • Forever Family Snack and Game Night:  To wrap up this year in Stepping Stones and FaithInk, we’re inviting all families to join with our children/teens and our volunteer teachers on Wednesday, April 24 in the Rock Cafe area from 6:30-7:30 for a snack/dessert potluck and some family games. Bring a finger food, snack, or dessert to share while we enjoy a family night. Since this is a Forever Family event, all members of The Rock of all ages are invited to join us, whether they have young children at home or not. We’ll provide drinks and table service.  
  • Join us for a Spring Clean-up day at The Rock on April 27 form 9:00 to noon. We’ll be tidying up inside and out.  
  • Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Our teens are also selling Tastefully Simple items as a fundraiser for their trip to the Gathering. Find a teen on Sunday, or check with Jennifer Janousek for more information. 
  • We are SEEKING GREETERS to help CONNECT people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected]. 
  • We’re collecting paper towels for the Blue Valley Food Pantry this April. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.  
  • The Concordia University Men’s Basketball Team would like to invite all boys entering grades 3rd thru 12th (Fall grade 2019) to the Concordia Basketball Skills Camp on June 3rd-5th. Campers learn the fundamentals of basketball in a fun, competitive, and Christian environment. Held in the beautiful Walz Human Performance Complex, this camp includes basketball skill development, team and individual competitions with kids of similar age, and much more.

    Register online or download the brochure at or call 402-643-7310 for more information. 
  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.
  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
  • Yoga at The Rock:  Marge Rhodes teaches Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!


  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:45 am.  Also, we offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the March and April YogaFaith schedules  here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram. Weather Policy: If the Seward school system cancels school due to the weather, then we will not have class.


Rock News

  • Forever Family Snack and Game Night:  To wrap up this year in Stepping Stones and FaithInk, we’re inviting all families to join with our children/teens and our volunteer teachers on Wednesday, April 24 in the Rock Cafe area from 6:30-7:30 for a snack/dessert potluck and some family games. Bring a finger food, snack, or dessert to share while we enjoy a family night. Since this is a Forever Family event, all members of The Rock of all ages are invited to join us, whether they have young children at home or not. We’ll provide drinks and table service.

  • Easter Breakfast: Join us starting at 9:00 on Easter morning for a breakfast of eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and fruit. Our teens will be serving you and a freewill offering will be taken at the serving table to help cover some of their costs at this summer’s National Youth Gathering. If you’d like to help sponsor our teens, you can also give online through Thrivent. Thrivent covers all fees, so 100% of your online giving goes to the youth and their leaders. Click here to make a donation to send our kids to the Gathering.

  • Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Our teens are also selling Tastefully Simple items as a fundraiser for their trip to the Gathering. Find a teen on Sunday, or check with Jennifer Janousek for more information.

  • We are SEEKING GREETERS to help CONNECT people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected].

  • We’re collecting paper towels for the Blue Valley Food Pantry this April. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • The Youth Group of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Goehner (1042 May St. Goehner, NE) invite you to join them April 20th, Holy Saturday, for their second annual Resurrection Run!  There is a 1 Mile FUN-Run ($20 per runner), 5K ($35 per runner), and new this year a 10K ($45 per runner). The cost includes food, drinks, a t-shirt and tons more great giveaways. The Holy Cross Facebook page has more information, and you can click here for the online registration form.  The funds will be used to defray the costs of our youth attending the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Yoga at The Rock:  Marge Rhodes teaches Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!

  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:45 am.  Also, we offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the March and April YogaFaith schedules  here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram. Weather Policy: If the Seward school system cancels school due to the weather, then we will not have class.


Rock News

  • Forever Family Reunion:  Please plan to stay after worship this Sunday, March 31, for a Taco Fundraiser Meal to celebrate Nicodemus Comfort Dog’s 3rd Birthday.  Everything will be provided! There will be a free will offering with all the proceeds going to support the Rock’s Comfort Dog Ministry.

  • We’re wrapping up our collection of our March item for the Blue Valley Food Pantry (peanut butter) and getting ready to collect paper towels for April. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • The Youth Group of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Goehner (1042 May St. Goehner, NE) invite you to join them April 20th, Holy Saturday, for their second annual Resurrection Run!  There is a 1 Mile FUN-Run ($20 per runner), 5K ($35 per runner), and new this year a 10K ($45 per runner). The cost includes food, drinks, a t-shirt and tons more great giveaways. The Holy Cross Facebook page has more information, and you can click here for the online registration form.  The funds will be used to defray the costs of our youth attending the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Yoga at The Rock:  Marge Rhodes teaches Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!


  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:45 am.  Also, we offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the March and April YogaFaith schedules  here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram. Weather Policy: If the Seward school system cancels school due to the weather, then we will not have class.