Rock News

  • Forever Family Snack and Game Night:  To wrap up this year in Stepping Stones and FaithInk, we’re inviting all families to join with our children/teens and our volunteer teachers on Wednesday, April 24 in the Rock Cafe area from 6:30-7:30 for a snack/dessert potluck and some family games. Bring a finger food, snack, or dessert to share while we enjoy a family night. Since this is a Forever Family event, all members of The Rock of all ages are invited to join us, whether they have young children at home or not. We’ll provide drinks and table service.

  • Easter Breakfast: Join us starting at 9:00 on Easter morning for a breakfast of eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and fruit. Our teens will be serving you and a freewill offering will be taken at the serving table to help cover some of their costs at this summer’s National Youth Gathering. If you’d like to help sponsor our teens, you can also give online through Thrivent. Thrivent covers all fees, so 100% of your online giving goes to the youth and their leaders. Click here to make a donation to send our kids to the Gathering.

  • Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Our teens are also selling Tastefully Simple items as a fundraiser for their trip to the Gathering. Find a teen on Sunday, or check with Jennifer Janousek for more information.

  • We are SEEKING GREETERS to help CONNECT people before worship services.  Do you like to meet and visit with people? Would you like to use your gift of hospitality at The Rock?  Then YOU are needed! A sign up sheet will be available on the counter under The Rock Café sign or contact Diana Boring at [email protected].

  • We’re collecting paper towels for the Blue Valley Food Pantry this April. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity.

  • The Youth Group of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Goehner (1042 May St. Goehner, NE) invite you to join them April 20th, Holy Saturday, for their second annual Resurrection Run!  There is a 1 Mile FUN-Run ($20 per runner), 5K ($35 per runner), and new this year a 10K ($45 per runner). The cost includes food, drinks, a t-shirt and tons more great giveaways. The Holy Cross Facebook page has more information, and you can click here for the online registration form.  The funds will be used to defray the costs of our youth attending the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike. Women’s Bible study with Ann Schranz will resume sometime in the next year.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigos, meets from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Rock Cafe.  Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).

  • Yoga at The Rock:  Marge Rhodes teaches Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!

  • Sara Moll and Erika Rolf teach YogaFaith classes in Room 216 on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and Friday mornings at 9:45 am.  Also, we offer a Sunday Candlelight class at 6:30-7:30 pm twice a month. Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga classes – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Check for the March and April YogaFaith schedules  here on Facebook for more updates or here on Instagram. Weather Policy: If the Seward school system cancels school due to the weather, then we will not have class.


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