Rock News

This Sunday is Life Sunday. Join us to learn about the legacy of our faith and the hope we have in God’s promises.

Blue Valley Food Pantry: We’re still collecting soap and shampoo as this month’s items to share with the Blue Valley Food Pantry. The collection box can be found in The Rock Cafe.

Souper Sunday Lunch: We’ll have another opportunity for lunch together on February 4 for “Souper Sunday” right after our worship gathering.  The Rock will provide 2 soups and everyone is invited bring their favorite to share.  Can’t bring food this time? No problem. Come and eat with us anyway!

LCMS National Youth Gathering Summer 2019: Teens who are currently between 7th and 11th grades will be eligible to attend next summer’s national Lutheran youth gathering. Teens and adults from The Rock had an amazing experience at the 2016 gathering. Stay after church onSunday, February 11 to learn more about this event, including fundraising opportunities, travel possibilities, and more. 

LCEF Account Goal Reached! We reached our goal for LCEF accounts!  PTL! If you’re interested in setting up one of these accounts for yourself or someone else, we’ll still be glad to help you do that.

Women’s Day In:  Ladies – Need some time away to scrapbook (or any type of craft) with no distractions? On Friday, March 2 from 1PM-midnight and Saturday, March 3 from 9AM-midnight, The Rock Café will be open and available for use. Bring your own drinks, a snack to share, and cash if you would like to be included in the group carryout order for meals (Friday supper, Saturday lunch and supper). Please invite a friend! If you would like to attend one or both days, please email [email protected] to reserve your table.

ACCESS The Rock in February: Pastor Mike has postponed the ACCESS The Rock opportunity that was scheduled for January 28.  It has been re-scheduled for February 25, same time, same place.

Rock News

  1. Stay for Lunch!  Everyone is invited to stay for lunch right after worship on Sunday, January 7.  If you are able to bring food, we would ask those with last names ending in A-M to bring a main dish and a salad or vegetable, and those with last names ending in N-Z to bring a main dish and a dessert.  If it doesn’t work for you to bring food, plan to stay anyway as there should be enough to go around.  Drinks and table service will be provided.
  2. Pastor Mike just got back into town.  He will be at The Rock for the Sunday service, but Rev. Rich Boring will be leading the message time.  Last week he talked about hope, and this week he is going to look at what to do when hopelessness sets in.
  3. The January item for the Blue Valley Pantry is soap and shampoo. Leave your donations in the collection box near the main door of The Rock Café.
  4. We only need 5 more signups to hit our goal for LCEF accounts. You only need $25 to start up one of these accounts, and if we hit our goal, it will lower the interest on our loan. Learn more about Lutheran Church Extension Fund here. Contact Dave Kumm for more information.
  5. Stepping Stones, Faith Ink, and Godparents groups start up again this Wednesday. If your child isn’t yet a part of one of these great opportunities to learn more about the God who loves them, contact us for more information about how to get involved.
  6. A Sunday morning Bible Study for women, will begin on Sunday, January 7, at 8:45 at The ROCK. We will be studying the book of Matthew. Please join us! Contact Ann Schranz with any questions.
  7. Camp Luther Summer Camp registration is now open! View their online brochure and register your child today at! Dates, prices, camp descriptions, and answers to frequently asked questions including discounts and financial aid, can all be found there as well. (Camp Luther is located in Schuyler.) If your child has never been to camp, or if you have any questions or concerns of any sort, don’t hesitate to contact them. You can email them at [email protected] or call 402-352-5655.