Seward Public Schools have just cancelled classes from March 17-22. Therefore, per our policy, Stepping Stones, FaithInk, and Godparents groups are cancelled for this Wednesday.
Category: News
The Rock Lutheran Church: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Plan
The Rock Lutheran Church: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Plan
Mindful of the implications for public health posed by the coronavirus, The Rock has prayerfully chosen an action-oriented plan informed by Christian calling and civic responsibility. And, fully acknowledging that this is a serious matter, we are choosing a faith-forward approach over a fearful approach. We commit to the following:
In anxious times, The Rock will still worship our God and serve our neighbor
We fully intend to continue with ministry at The Rock: Sunday worship, Bible Studies, Stepping Stones—all of it—and we’ll adapt as necessary if our local situation changes. We’ll pray earnestly and often. As long as it is legal and safe to do so, Pastor Mike will visit the sick, counsel families, preach God’s powerful gospel and baptize children. You will find that we are confident in Christ during this storm of sickness in our world.
We won’t be afraid (and we hope the germs will be terrified)
You and your frequently-washed hands will also find a thoroughly cleaned building—and hand sanitizer aplenty—at The Rock. We aim to strike fear in the heart of every germ in the building by carefully and frequently sanitizing handrails, door knobs and hard surfaces throughout our facility.
We will be smart about it
In all activities, warm smiles will replace warm hugs and hand waves will replace handshakes. Offering baskets will be stationed at the door rather than passed through the aisles. Clean hands will offer bread and wine for communion, and equally-clean hands will serve cookies and coffee at The Rock Café. And, taking a page from Nico the comfort dog’s rule book, there will be no licking allowed—ever. J
You will also be smart about it
Forever Family members and guests from higher risk populations are encouraged to engage from home. Nobody will guilt you for not attending our church service. If you’ve chosen to keep your distance from crowds, let us know by emailing [email protected] and we’ll assign an ambassador or Forever Family member to check in on you periodically until it’s safe to return. Keep sending your prayer requests to us through [email protected] And, if you’re feeling ill, be ill at home. You can listen to the Sunday message archives on our website. Pastor Mike sounds really good online.
Click for answers: Are you at higher risk? Are you feeling ill?
God is good, all the time…
The Rock has an opportunity to be a light to our community, a place of stability in a time of uncertainty, and a community of believers that testifies to the joy of faith in Jesus, our rock and our redeemer.
Many Blessings,
The Rock Directors and Pastor Mike
Important COVID-19 Information
- The most current and accurate information related to The Rock Lutheran Church and COVID-19 response plans can always be found at
- Reliable local and national information and current updates on COVID-19 can be found directly from the following websites:
o Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
o Four Corners Health Department
Rock News
- 2022 National Youth Gathering News: GET READY 6-9TH GRADERS–WE ARE READY TO KICK OFF FUNDRAISING FOR THE 2022 NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING IN HOUSTON! There will be a short kickoff meeting after worship on March 15 in the Rock Cafe. Our first fundraiser will be the Easter breakfast before worship on Easter Sunday. We will be collecting contact information for kids and parents who would like to go. Please visit our Facebook page, by following this link and clicking “join.” Take a moment to check out the pictures, videos, and posts from the NYG in Minneapolis last summer. It is an amazing faith-building opportunity for our high school kids!
- The Rock’s Guatemala Mission Team will be selling t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts will have The Rock’s logo and “Saved to Serve” on them and are available for $15 in different colors. They’ll be on sale until March 19 with orders taken at a table in The Rock Cafe. (Make any checks out to “The Rock”)
- Our amazing Nicodemus Comfort Dog is going to be 4 years old and the community of Seward is invited to his birthday party open house at The Lied Senior Center, at 1010 Manor Drive, Seward, on Sunday, March 29th from 4pm-6pm. We will have a hot dog meal and birthday cake. No tickets are needed — we’ll have a freewill offering collection at the door.
- A Meal Train sign up has been set up for the Parry family (Ike & Holly) to help lighten their load while Holly is recovering from an upcoming surgery. If you would like to minister to the Parry family by providing meals as Holly recovers, please sign up at this link to bring them a meal. If you don’t live in Lincoln or can’t help out by providing a home-cooked meal, then restaurant or grocery delivery gift cards (Walmart/Hy-Vee, etc.) would also be much appreciated! They can be mailed to the Parry family at 1724 Belford St., Lincoln, NE 68521. Someone from the congregation will also be taking them several meals that can be frozen and stored.
A Meal Train has also been set up for the Boggs family (Seth and Megan) to help them while Megan is undergoing treatment. If you would like to minister to the Boggs family by bringing them a meal, please sign up at this link. Just as with the Parry family, restaurant or grocery gift cards would also be a help. Delivery info is available on the Meal Train link, and questions can be directed to Kim Myers or Jen Janousek.
Questions and/or gift cards can be given to Jen Janousek or Kim Myers if you don’t see one of the Parrys or Boggs. Let’s bless these families during this time!
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (Located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left.)
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- A Meal Train sign up has been set up for the Parry family (Ike & Holly) to help lighten their load while Holly is recovering from an upcoming surgery. If you would like to minister to the Parry family by providing meals as Holly recovers, please sign up at this link to bring them a meal. If you don’t live in Lincoln or can’t help out by providing a home-cooked meal, then restaurant or grocery delivery gift cards (Walmart/Hy-Vee, etc.) would also be much appreciated! They can be mailed to the Parry family at 1724 Belford St., Lincoln, NE 68521. Someone from the congregation will also be taking them several meals that can be frozen and stored.
A Meal Train has also been set up for the Boggs family (Seth and Megan) to help them while Megan is undergoing treatment. If you would like to minister to the Boggs family by bringing them a meal, please sign up at this link. Just as with the Parry family, restaurant or grocery gift cards would also be a help. Delivery info is available on the Meal Train link, and questions can be directed to Kim Myers or Jen Janousek.
Questions and/or gift cards can be given to Jen Janousek or Kim Myers if you don’t see one of the Parrys or Boggs. Let’s bless these families during this time!
- The Rock’s Guatemala Mission Team will be selling t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts will have The Rock’s logo and “Saved to Serve” on them and are available for $15 in different colors. They’ll be on sale until March 19 with orders taken at a table in The Rock Cafe. (Make any checks out to “The Rock”)
- Our amazing Nicodemus Comfort Dog is going to be 4 years old and the community of Seward is invited to his birthday party open house at The Lied Senior Center, at 1010 Manor Drive, Seward, on Sunday, March 29th from 4pm-6pm. We will have a hot dog meal and birthday cake. No tickets are needed — we’ll have a freewill offering collection at the door.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock.)
Directions from south parking lot: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left. Directions from the east parking lot: Eventually we will recommend that everyone park in the east parking lot and enter through the north doors. This is the quickest way into the room. Enter through north doors, go down ½ flight of stairs on your left and the room is on your left.
Shoes and coats: There are hooks outside of the room to hang coats and a small hallway to put your shoes. Bathrooms: There are no bathrooms in the basement. Please continue to use the Bathrooms on the second floor.
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 26, from 5:30-6:30 in the Rock Cafe for a Taco and Nacho Supper, followed by an Ash Wednesday family service at 6:30. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Guatemala Mission Team. (Ash Wednesday service includes the imposition of ashes.)
There will be no separate Stepping Stones or FaithInk that night. We ask parents to attend both the meal and service with their children.
- Annual giving statements are available in the Rock cafe.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock.)
Directions from south parking lot: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left. Directions from the east parking lot: Eventually we will recommend that everyone park in the east parking lot and enter through the north doors. This is the quickest way into the room. Enter through north doors, go down ½ flight of stairs on your left and the room is on your left.
Shoes and coats: There are hooks outside of the room to hang coats and a small hallway to put your shoes. Bathrooms: There are no bathrooms in the basement. Please continue to use the Bathrooms on the second floor.
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 26, from 5:30-6:30 in the Rock Cafe for a Taco and Nacho Supper, followed by an Ash Wednesday family service at 6:30. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Guatemala Mission Team. (Ash Wednesday service includes the imposition of ashes.)
There will be no separate Stepping Stones or FaithInk that night. We ask parents to attend both the meal and service with their children.
- Annual giving statements are available in the Rock cafe.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us for another Forever Family Meal! We’ll gather again after the service on February 2 for our annual Souper Sunday meal. The Rock will provide table service and drinks, and we ask each family group to bring both a soup and a dessert to share. We’ll have lots of extension cords for your slow cookers of soup!
- Weather policy for kids’ activities: Last Wednesday, we called off our Stepping Stones, FaithInk, and Godparents groups due to the weather. Just a reminder: if Seward County public and parochial schools are cancelled on a Wednesday, The Rock’s activities are cancelled too! (But our [email protected] address is always open if you need us to pray for you or your family.)
- We need more donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just click here. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup this February, but if you still have soap and shampoo for January you’re welcome to add that to the collection box as well.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News: Wednesday Cancellation Due to Weather
All activities at The Rock are cancelled today, since Seward Public/Parochial schools have cancelled classes today. This includes Stepping Stones, FaithInk, and Godparents.
We look forward to seeing your children next week!
(The Rock’s policy is that all weekday activities are cancelled if/when Seward’s public & parochial schools close due to weather.)
Rock News
- Join us for two upcoming Forever Family Meals! Our first is this Sunday, January 19 when we’ll gather after the service for a baked potato bar. The Rock will provide potatoes, toppings, and drinks. We ask each family group to bring a dessert to share. We’ll gather again on February 2 for our annual Souper Sunday meal. The Rock will provide table service and drinks, and we ask each family group to bring both a soup and a dessert to share. We’ll have lots of extension cords for your slow cookers of soup!
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just go to Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soap and shampoo for January.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us for a potluck meal after worship on Sunday, January 5 with special guests the Concordia Men’s Basketball Team! We ask each family to bring two things: all families should bring a main dish to share; those with last names starting with A-N should bring a side dish or salad to share; those with last names starting with O-Z should bring a dessert to share. Drinks and table service will be provided.
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just go to Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- It’s football season! Come join some of the men of The Rock at the Sparetime during football game halftime for devotions.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting tuna for December and will collect soap and shampoo for January.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
The Rock Lutheran Church: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Plan
The Rock Lutheran Church: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response Plan
Mindful of the implications for public health posed by the coronavirus, The Rock has prayerfully chosen an action-oriented plan informed by Christian calling and civic responsibility. And, fully acknowledging that this is a serious matter, we are choosing a faith-forward approach over a fearful approach. We commit to the following:
In anxious times, The Rock will still worship our God and serve our neighbor
We fully intend to continue with ministry at The Rock: Sunday worship, Bible Studies, Stepping Stones—all of it—and we’ll adapt as necessary if our local situation changes. We’ll pray earnestly and often. As long as it is legal and safe to do so, Pastor Mike will visit the sick, counsel families, preach God’s powerful gospel and baptize children. You will find that we are confident in Christ during this storm of sickness in our world.
We won’t be afraid (and we hope the germs will be terrified)
You and your frequently-washed hands will also find a thoroughly cleaned building—and hand sanitizer aplenty—at The Rock. We aim to strike fear in the heart of every germ in the building by carefully and frequently sanitizing handrails, door knobs and hard surfaces throughout our facility.
We will be smart about it
In all activities, warm smiles will replace warm hugs and hand waves will replace handshakes. Offering baskets will be stationed at the door rather than passed through the aisles. Clean hands will offer bread and wine for communion, and equally-clean hands will serve cookies and coffee at The Rock Café. And, taking a page from Nico the comfort dog’s rule book, there will be no licking allowed—ever. J
You will also be smart about it
Forever Family members and guests from higher risk populations are encouraged to engage from home. Nobody will guilt you for not attending our church service. If you’ve chosen to keep your distance from crowds, let us know by emailing [email protected] and we’ll assign an ambassador or Forever Family member to check in on you periodically until it’s safe to return. Keep sending your prayer requests to us through [email protected] And, if you’re feeling ill, be ill at home. You can listen to the Sunday message archives on our website. Pastor Mike sounds really good online.
Click for answers: Are you at higher risk? Are you feeling ill?
God is good, all the time…
The Rock has an opportunity to be a light to our community, a place of stability in a time of uncertainty, and a community of believers that testifies to the joy of faith in Jesus, our rock and our redeemer.
Many Blessings,
The Rock Directors and Pastor Mike
Important COVID-19 Information
- The most current and accurate information related to The Rock Lutheran Church and COVID-19 response plans can always be found at
- Reliable local and national information and current updates on COVID-19 can be found directly from the following websites:
o Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
o Four Corners Health Department
Rock News
- 2022 National Youth Gathering News: GET READY 6-9TH GRADERS–WE ARE READY TO KICK OFF FUNDRAISING FOR THE 2022 NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING IN HOUSTON! There will be a short kickoff meeting after worship on March 15 in the Rock Cafe. Our first fundraiser will be the Easter breakfast before worship on Easter Sunday. We will be collecting contact information for kids and parents who would like to go. Please visit our Facebook page, by following this link and clicking “join.” Take a moment to check out the pictures, videos, and posts from the NYG in Minneapolis last summer. It is an amazing faith-building opportunity for our high school kids!
- The Rock’s Guatemala Mission Team will be selling t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts will have The Rock’s logo and “Saved to Serve” on them and are available for $15 in different colors. They’ll be on sale until March 19 with orders taken at a table in The Rock Cafe. (Make any checks out to “The Rock”)
- Our amazing Nicodemus Comfort Dog is going to be 4 years old and the community of Seward is invited to his birthday party open house at The Lied Senior Center, at 1010 Manor Drive, Seward, on Sunday, March 29th from 4pm-6pm. We will have a hot dog meal and birthday cake. No tickets are needed — we’ll have a freewill offering collection at the door.
- A Meal Train sign up has been set up for the Parry family (Ike & Holly) to help lighten their load while Holly is recovering from an upcoming surgery. If you would like to minister to the Parry family by providing meals as Holly recovers, please sign up at this link to bring them a meal. If you don’t live in Lincoln or can’t help out by providing a home-cooked meal, then restaurant or grocery delivery gift cards (Walmart/Hy-Vee, etc.) would also be much appreciated! They can be mailed to the Parry family at 1724 Belford St., Lincoln, NE 68521. Someone from the congregation will also be taking them several meals that can be frozen and stored.
A Meal Train has also been set up for the Boggs family (Seth and Megan) to help them while Megan is undergoing treatment. If you would like to minister to the Boggs family by bringing them a meal, please sign up at this link. Just as with the Parry family, restaurant or grocery gift cards would also be a help. Delivery info is available on the Meal Train link, and questions can be directed to Kim Myers or Jen Janousek.
Questions and/or gift cards can be given to Jen Janousek or Kim Myers if you don’t see one of the Parrys or Boggs. Let’s bless these families during this time!
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (Located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left.)
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- A Meal Train sign up has been set up for the Parry family (Ike & Holly) to help lighten their load while Holly is recovering from an upcoming surgery. If you would like to minister to the Parry family by providing meals as Holly recovers, please sign up at this link to bring them a meal. If you don’t live in Lincoln or can’t help out by providing a home-cooked meal, then restaurant or grocery delivery gift cards (Walmart/Hy-Vee, etc.) would also be much appreciated! They can be mailed to the Parry family at 1724 Belford St., Lincoln, NE 68521. Someone from the congregation will also be taking them several meals that can be frozen and stored.
A Meal Train has also been set up for the Boggs family (Seth and Megan) to help them while Megan is undergoing treatment. If you would like to minister to the Boggs family by bringing them a meal, please sign up at this link. Just as with the Parry family, restaurant or grocery gift cards would also be a help. Delivery info is available on the Meal Train link, and questions can be directed to Kim Myers or Jen Janousek.
Questions and/or gift cards can be given to Jen Janousek or Kim Myers if you don’t see one of the Parrys or Boggs. Let’s bless these families during this time!
- The Rock’s Guatemala Mission Team will be selling t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts will have The Rock’s logo and “Saved to Serve” on them and are available for $15 in different colors. They’ll be on sale until March 19 with orders taken at a table in The Rock Cafe. (Make any checks out to “The Rock”)
- Our amazing Nicodemus Comfort Dog is going to be 4 years old and the community of Seward is invited to his birthday party open house at The Lied Senior Center, at 1010 Manor Drive, Seward, on Sunday, March 29th from 4pm-6pm. We will have a hot dog meal and birthday cake. No tickets are needed — we’ll have a freewill offering collection at the door.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock.)
Directions from south parking lot: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left. Directions from the east parking lot: Eventually we will recommend that everyone park in the east parking lot and enter through the north doors. This is the quickest way into the room. Enter through north doors, go down ½ flight of stairs on your left and the room is on your left.
Shoes and coats: There are hooks outside of the room to hang coats and a small hallway to put your shoes. Bathrooms: There are no bathrooms in the basement. Please continue to use the Bathrooms on the second floor.
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 26, from 5:30-6:30 in the Rock Cafe for a Taco and Nacho Supper, followed by an Ash Wednesday family service at 6:30. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Guatemala Mission Team. (Ash Wednesday service includes the imposition of ashes.)
There will be no separate Stepping Stones or FaithInk that night. We ask parents to attend both the meal and service with their children.
- Annual giving statements are available in the Rock cafe.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February and we’ll start collecting peanut butter in March.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock! Where: Room 120 (located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock.)
Directions from south parking lot: Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall. Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left. Directions from the east parking lot: Eventually we will recommend that everyone park in the east parking lot and enter through the north doors. This is the quickest way into the room. Enter through north doors, go down ½ flight of stairs on your left and the room is on your left.
Shoes and coats: There are hooks outside of the room to hang coats and a small hallway to put your shoes. Bathrooms: There are no bathrooms in the basement. Please continue to use the Bathrooms on the second floor.
Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 26, from 5:30-6:30 in the Rock Cafe for a Taco and Nacho Supper, followed by an Ash Wednesday family service at 6:30. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Guatemala Mission Team. (Ash Wednesday service includes the imposition of ashes.)
There will be no separate Stepping Stones or FaithInk that night. We ask parents to attend both the meal and service with their children.
- Annual giving statements are available in the Rock cafe.
- Join the Seward County Pro-Life Council on Saturday, March 14 at 7:00 at the Seward Civic Center auditorium for a special speaker addressing the topic “Conceived in Rape: From Worthless to Priceless.” Rebecca Kiessling is a pro-life speaker who will talk about her story of being conceived in rape, nearly aborted, but protected by the law and later adopted. Learn more about her story and organization, Save the 1, at their website.
- Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson. The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.
All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available. Please dress your child in clothes that can get messy. The dates for Saturday Art School for Spring Semester, 2020 are: March 28: Pre-Kindergarten; April 4: Kindergarten; April 18: 1St & 2nd Grade; April 25: 3rd & 4th Grade; May 2: 5th – 8th Grade *Note: Registration is online. To register your child/children please follow this link:
- We need donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just visit this link to sign up. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup for the month of February.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us for another Forever Family Meal! We’ll gather again after the service on February 2 for our annual Souper Sunday meal. The Rock will provide table service and drinks, and we ask each family group to bring both a soup and a dessert to share. We’ll have lots of extension cords for your slow cookers of soup!
- Weather policy for kids’ activities: Last Wednesday, we called off our Stepping Stones, FaithInk, and Godparents groups due to the weather. Just a reminder: if Seward County public and parochial schools are cancelled on a Wednesday, The Rock’s activities are cancelled too! (But our [email protected] address is always open if you need us to pray for you or your family.)
- We need more donated bags of ice melt to help keep our sidewalks and steps clear this winter. Please drop them off in the designated area to the left of the main stairs. Are you willing and able to help us clear sidewalks this winter? Contact Tim Moll or Tim Butler to volunteer. (High school students in need of service hours can log some by doing this!)
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just click here. Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soup this February, but if you still have soap and shampoo for January you’re welcome to add that to the collection box as well.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News: Wednesday Cancellation Due to Weather
All activities at The Rock are cancelled today, since Seward Public/Parochial schools have cancelled classes today. This includes Stepping Stones, FaithInk, and Godparents.
We look forward to seeing your children next week!
(The Rock’s policy is that all weekday activities are cancelled if/when Seward’s public & parochial schools close due to weather.)
Rock News
- Join us for two upcoming Forever Family Meals! Our first is this Sunday, January 19 when we’ll gather after the service for a baked potato bar. The Rock will provide potatoes, toppings, and drinks. We ask each family group to bring a dessert to share. We’ll gather again on February 2 for our annual Souper Sunday meal. The Rock will provide table service and drinks, and we ask each family group to bring both a soup and a dessert to share. We’ll have lots of extension cords for your slow cookers of soup!
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just go to Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting soap and shampoo for January.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.
Rock News
- Join us for a potluck meal after worship on Sunday, January 5 with special guests the Concordia Men’s Basketball Team! We ask each family to bring two things: all families should bring a main dish to share; those with last names starting with A-N should bring a side dish or salad to share; those with last names starting with O-Z should bring a dessert to share. Drinks and table service will be provided.
- Greeters are needed to welcome people on Sunday mornings to our worship service. No experience necessary! Sign up is easy — just go to Pick the date(s) that work for you. On that date be here around 9:45 with a warm smile! Name tags are on the Cafe counter.
- It’s football season! Come join some of the men of The Rock at the Sparetime during football game halftime for devotions.
- Every month we collect items for the Blue Valley Community Action Pantry. The collection box is in The Rock cafe and our community appreciates your generosity. We’re collecting tuna for December and will collect soap and shampoo for January.
- Join us for some faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings before the service: Going Deeper meets in room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike.
- The Ladies’ Bible Study, Morning Amigas, meets from 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursdays in the Rock Cafe. Questions? Contact Karen Hoffbauer ([email protected]) or Marcia Newsome ([email protected]).
- Everyone is welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara in Room 216 at The Rock (237 South 3rd). Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance. Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements. They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space.
If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.