Rock News

There will be no men’s prayer breakfast this Saturday! Join us the rest of the Saturdays between November 19 and December 10 for breakfast starting at 7 in the Rock cafe.

This November we will be collecting 500 hygiene items for Blue Valley Community Action’s food pantry!  If we can successfully collect 500 hygiene items between November 1-30, then the collection will be supplemented with a Generosity Multiplier Gift, a grant of $500, courtesy of the Thrivent Member Network – Nebraska Region, gifted to Blue Valley Community Action. 

We are collecting feminine products, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, and diapers. You can put all of this in the usual collection tote in the Rock Cafe area on Sundays or send them with your kids to Stepping Stones and FaithInk. Let’s Give Thanks and Give Back this November!

Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

Wings! Nachos! Dips! Join us after the service on Sunday, November 20 for a Tailgate Potluck lunch. Bring some of your favorite tailgate picnic items (minus the adult beverages) to share with our Forever Family. We’ll provide drinks and table service. We’ll also have extension cords if your food is in a slow cooker.

The Nebraska District LCMS is seeking a full-time treasurer to manage the business affairs of the district and assist the district president in caring for the financial matters of district congregations and workers. The Nebraska District Treasurer is an integral leader of the district and district ministries.  The Treasurer is the primary guide for the District Board of Directors in helping them fulfill their fiduciary duties on behalf of the congregations of the district. The position requires both a firm accounting capacity and a kingdom perspective. We seek to be careful stewards of God’s gifts and work to make the greatest impact on our world with His grace, therefore the Treasurer is a person of faith and witness as we make every effort to build up our congregations and workers in their gospel ministries. This work includes assisting the district president in caring for the financial matters of district workers and congregations and their treasurers. As business manager for the district office and staff, the treasurer also helps care for those working deployed and in the office.  Learn more at

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 8 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due this Sunday, November 13. Space is limited. 

St. Paul Lutheran School in Utica will be holding their Fall Bazaar on November 13 from 10-1 at the St. Paul School Gym, 1100 D Street, Utica. They will have an assortment of crafts and home-based businesses participating, a baked goods sale, and will be serving soup and cinnamon rolls. They’ll be holding a free will donation with the proceeds benefiting the school, and 10% of what they collect will be given to assist with medical expenses for Saige Scheele. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

This November we are collecting 500 hygiene items for Blue Valley Community Action’s food pantry!  If we can successfully collect 500 hygiene items between November 1-30, then the collection will be supplemented with a Generosity Multiplier Gift, a grant of $500, courtesy of the Thrivent Member Network – Nebraska Region, gifted to Blue Valley Community Action. 

We are collecting feminine products, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, and diapers. You can put all of this in the usual collection tote in the Rock Cafe area on Sundays or send them with your kids to Stepping Stones and FaithInk. Let’s Give Thanks and Give Back this November!

Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

Wings! Nachos! Dips! Join us after the service on Sunday, November 20 for a Tailgate Potluck lunch. Bring some of your favorite tailgate picnic items (minus the adult beverages) to share with our Forever Family. We’ll provide drinks and table service. We’ll also have extension cords if your food is in a slow cooker.

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 7 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited. 

St. Paul Lutheran School in Utica will be holding their Fall Bazaar on November 13 from 10-1 at the St. Paul School Gym, 1100 D Street, Utica. They will have an assortment of crafts and home-based businesses participating, a baked goods sale, and will be serving soup and cinnamon rolls. They’ll be holding a free will donation with the proceeds benefiting the school, and 10% of what they collect will be given to assist with expenses for Saige Scheele. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 6 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited. There will be an informational meeting after church on Sunday, October 30th.

Children and families in Seward and the surrounding areas are invited to David Hall on the Concordia University, Nebraska campus on Saturday, October 29 between 3 and 5 p.m. to enjoy the university’s Project Pumpkin trick-or-treat event.

The event is hosted by the residents of the building, and the halls of the dorm will be decorated with a variety of family-friendly, seasonal themes. Children are encouraged to wear costumes for trick-or-treating throughout the decorated dorm.

St. John’s Lutheran Church, located at 200 Paris Street, in Cordova will be having their All Saints Bible Walk on Sunday, October 30th from 5:00-7:00 p.m., with a 4:45 p.m. tour for people with limited mobility.  You are invited to join them on a tour back in time. You will meet various Bible characters, each with a message and candy treat for you. Everyone is invited! Call 402-576-3211 with any questions.

St. Paul Lutheran School in Utica will be holding their Fall Bazaar on November 13 from 10-1 at the St. Paul School Gym, 1100 D Street, Utica. They will have an assortment of crafts and home-based businesses participating, a baked goods sale, and will be serving soup and cinnamon rolls. They’ll be holding a free will donation with the proceeds benefiting the school, and 10% of what they collect will be given to assist with medical expenses for Saige Scheele. 

Our October item for the Blue Valley food pantry is rice.The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 5 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to Discussion guides for each episode are available in print in the cafe after church, or HERE ON OUR WEBSITE.

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited. There will be an informational meeting after church on Sunday, October 30th.

Our October item for the Blue Valley food pantry is rice. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

St. Paul Lutheran School in Utica will be holding their Fall Bazaar on November 13 from 10-1 at the St. Paul School Gym, 1100 D Street, Utica. They will have an assortment of crafts and home-based businesses participating, a baked goods sale, and will be serving soup and cinnamon rolls. They’ll be holding a free will donation with the proceeds benefiting the school, and 10% of what they collect will be given to assist with medical expenses for Saige Scheele. 

St. John’s Lutheran Church, located at 200 Paris Street, in Cordova will be having their All Saints Bible Walk on Sunday, October 30th from 5:00-7:00 p.m., with a 4:45 p.m. tour for people with limited mobility.  You are invited to join them on a tour back in time. You will meet various Bible characters, each with a message and candy treat for you. Everyone is invited! Call 402-576-3211 with any questions.

Children and families in Seward and the surrounding areas are invited to David Hall on the Concordia University, Nebraska campus on Saturday, October 29 between 3 and 5 p.m. to enjoy the university’s Project Pumpkin trick-or-treat event.

The event is hosted by the residents of the building, and the halls of the dorm will be decorated with a variety of family-friendly, seasonal themes. Children are encouraged to wear costumes for trick-or-treating throughout the decorated dorm.

Concordia University, Nebraska’s Art Department will be holding Saturday School morning sessions for elementary and middle-level students to learn about and create art. The sessions will be taught by Concordia students enrolled in Methods of Art Education and observed by professor and department chairman Don Robson.

The sessions, available to Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students, are divided by age group. Each session will be based on a discipline-based art education unit plan, addressing art history, aesthetics, constructive criticism, and art making.

All sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The classes will be held on Concordia University’s campus in Brommer Art Center, Room 123. A $5.00 fee per student is required for registration and supplies. Each session has 25 seats available.

Please notify Kay Rohren at [email protected] at if your child has allergies and dress your child in clothes that can get messy.

Below are the dates for Saturday Art School for the Fall 2022 Semester

  • 10/29 Pre-Kindergarten Saturday School
  • 11/5 Kindergarten Saturday School
  • 11/12 1St & 2nd Grade Saturday School
  • 12/3 3rd & 4th Grade Saturday School
  • 12/10 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Saturday School

Registration is online. To register your child or children, please follow this link:

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 3 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

We have some great opportunities for fellowship at The Rock: Saturday morning men’s breakfasts at 7 in the Rock Cafe, and Monday night football devotions at 7 at the Sparetime. See you there!

Transfer of Wealth Impacts Ministries

It is estimated that more than $68 trillion will be transferred to younger generations over the next 25 years in the U.S.—the greatest transfer of wealth ever.

It’s enough to get your attention.

Check out these close-to-home estate gifts written from September 2017 to June 2022 . . .

  •  to churches and schools in the Nebraska District:  $13,728,707
  • to Concordia University, Nebraska:  $10,556,000
  • to other LCMS organizations (LWML, LHM, OGT, etc.):  $8,234,186
  •  to St. John Foundation (2017-2021):  $363,154

How to participate in the transfer

Craig Stirtz is a gift planning counselor for the LCMS Foundation, working through the Nebraska District Office. He has helped plan gifts for ministry for 30 years. Craig’s role is to walk beside members and mentor them (for free!) on the ins and outs of probate, how to minimize taxes and maximize what your loved ones are able to keep, work with attorneys, and avoid common mistakes.

Craig has no products or services for sale, makes no sales pitch, and receives no commissions or fees. To reach Craig directly for personal counsel, contact him at 402-616-0312, or [email protected].

Want to learn more?

Craig will be leading a gift planning workshop on Sunday, October 23, at 11:30 a.m. at The Rock. You are encouraged to attend. Please sign up by clicking HERE to register. A light lunch will be provided.

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited.

Our October item for the Blue Valley food pantry is rice. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Our current sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 2 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

We have some great opportunities for fellowship at The Rock: Saturday morning men’s breakfasts at 7 in the Rock Cafe, and Monday night football devotions at 7 at the Sparetime. See you there!

Transfer of Wealth Impacts Ministries

It is estimated that more than $68 trillion will be transferred to younger generations over the next 25 years in the U.S.—the greatest transfer of wealth ever.

It’s enough to get your attention.

Check out these close-to-home estate gifts written from September 2017 to June 2022 . . .

  •  to churches and schools in the Nebraska District:  $13,728,707
  • to Concordia University, Nebraska:  $10,556,000
  • to other LCMS organizations (LWML, LHM, OGT, etc.):  $8,234,186
  •  to St. John Foundation (2017-2021):  $363,154

How to participate in the transfer

Craig Stirtz is a gift planning counselor for the LCMS Foundation, working through the Nebraska District Office. He has helped plan gifts for ministry for 30 years. Craig’s role is to walk beside members and mentor them (for free!) on the ins and outs of probate, how to minimize taxes and maximize what your loved ones are able to keep, work with attorneys, and avoid common mistakes.

Craig has no products or services for sale, makes no sales pitch, and receives no commissions or fees. To reach Craig directly for personal counsel, contact him at 402-616-0312, or [email protected].

Want to learn more?

Craig will be leading a gift planning workshop on Sunday, October 23, at 11:30 a.m. at The Rock. You are encouraged to attend. Please sign up by clicking HERE to register. A light lunch will be provided.

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited.

Our September item for the Blue Valley food pantry has been boxed meals. If you still have some to bring, the food pantry is happy to have it! Our October food pantry item is rice–any kind. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

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YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Remember to join us in the parking lot tomorrow evening for our Taste & See event–an evening of food, games, and music. Bring a lawn chair, friends and family, and come enjoy the food trucks, bounce house, and the band. Everyone is welcome. We’ll start at 5 and go until 7:30.

Our next sermon series (through Thanksgiving) will be focused on the TV series The Chosen. Try to watch episode 1 before Sunday, if you can. To watch it for free, you can either get “The Chosen” app or go to

We have some great opportunities for fellowship at The Rock: Saturday morning men’s breakfasts at 7 in the Rock Cafe, and Monday night football devotions at 7 at the Sparetime. See you there!

On Sunday, October 23 at 11:30 AM our congregation is hosting an educational workshop featuring Craig Stirtz.  Craig serves as the Nebraska District and Concordia University NE Gift Planning Counselor, assisting our members as we plan gifts for loved ones and ministry, which is a service he has been providing for 30 years in Nebraska.  

Craig will cover multiple topics including:  ways to create an estate plan that reduces taxes and maximizes what your loved ones are able to keep, how assets pass (inside and outside of probate), common mistakes people make and how to avoid them, why comprehensive estate planning is important, legacy planning (planning both for loved ones and ministry) and how to make gifts for ministry without disinheriting your loved ones.  

This workshop is not a sales pitch as Craig has no products to sell and makes no commissions.  It is an opportunity for you to hear what he has learned through his work that will help you avoid mistakes and maximize your gifts to loved ones and ministry.  You are welcome to come to the church for the presentation on Sunday, October at 11:30 AM. Please sign up by CLICKING HERE to register or notify Scott Seevers at [email protected] of your interest to join us. A light lunch is provided.

Craig offers free, confidential and family focused planning for those wishing to include one or more LCMS ministries in their estate plan – including our congregation.  For more information about his services, plan to attend the workshop or contact Craig at 402-616-0312 or [email protected].

Are you interested in joining The Rock mission team that will be traveling to Guatemala June 24-July 1? We will be hosting a week long VBS at Santa Cruz Lutheran Church in Amatitlan, Guatemala. Depending on the gifts of the team, we might also be offering women and teen ministry opportunities or possibly art and music classes. As our group comes together we will see what is the best fit for our talents and the needs of the ministry at Santa Cruz. If you are interested or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ([email protected] or 402-499-3512). A $300 deposit (per person) towards the trip is due November 13. Space is limited.

Our September item for the Blue Valley food pantry is boxed meals. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. We will collect rice in October.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

We will kick off the new year of Stepping Stones and Faith Ink with a family potluck picnic at Plum Creek Park this Wednesday, September 7 at  6:30. (If it rains, we’ll gather in the cafe at The Rock.)

Our weekly faith building programs for kids are held during the school year each Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30. Stepping Stones is for children age 3 through grade 4. Learn more and register here. Faith Inkubators is for 5th-8th grade students. Learn more and register here

Mark your calendars now for our Taste & See event. Join us in the parking lot of The Rock church for an evening of food, games, and music. Bring a lawn chair, friends and family, and come enjoy the food trucks, bounce house, and the band. Everyone is welcome.

Monday Night Football Devotions start up on September 12 at 7 p.m. at the Sparetime. Join the group for fun and fellowship.

Men’s Saturday breakfasts start back up again this Saturday, September 10 at 7:00 a.m. in the Rock Cafe. 

On Sunday, October 23 at 11:30 AM our congregation is hosting an educational workshop featuring Craig Stirtz.  Craig serves as the Nebraska District and Concordia University, Nebraska Gift Planning Counselor, assisting our members as we plan gifts for loved ones and ministry, which is a service he has been providing for 30 years in Nebraska.  

Craig will cover multiple topics including:  ways to create an estate plan that reduces taxes and maximizes what your loved ones are able to keep, how assets pass (inside and outside of probate), common mistakes people make and how to avoid them, why comprehensive estate planning is important, legacy planning (planning both for loved ones and ministry) and how to make gifts for ministry without disinheriting your loved ones.  

This workshop is not a sales pitch as Craig has no products to sell and makes no commissions.  It is an opportunity for you to hear what he has learned through his work that will help you avoid mistakes and maximize your gifts to loved ones and ministry. 

You are welcome to come to the church for the presentation on Sunday, October at 11:30 AM. Please sign up by CLICKING HERE to register or notify Scott Seevers at [email protected] of your interest to join us. A light lunch is provided.

Craig offers free, confidential and family focused planning for those wishing to include one or more LCMS ministries in their estate plan – including our congregation.  For more information about his services, plan to attend the workshop or contact Craig at 402-616-0312 or [email protected].

Our September item for the Blue Valley food pantry is boxed meals. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

“Tax Tips & Updates” is a workshop at St. John Lutheran on August 21, 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  The Presenter will be Joel Endorf.  There is no charge.  The last day to register is Sunday, Aug. 14.  Click this link to register for the workshop.  Child care will be provided and it begins with a light lunch at 12:30 p.m.

The new school year is here! Make sure your kids are registered for our weekly faith building programs, held during the school year each Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30 starting on September 14. Stepping Stones is for children age 3 through grade 4. Learn more and register here. Faith Inkubators is for 5th-8th grade students. Learn more and register here.

We will kick off the new year of Stepping Stones and Faith Ink with a family potluck picnic at Plum Creek Park on September 7 at  6:30. (If it rains, we’ll gather in the cafe at The Rock.)

You are invited to join Trail Life & American Heritage Girls on Sunday, August 28 for a tailgate event.  Come on over at 5 pm at St. John’s Lutheran in Waco (1011 Rd U).

Trail Life is a Christian Outdoor Adventure group for boys ages 5-17.  American Heritage Girls is a Christain group for girls ages 5-17. Contact Troopmaster Rick Backhus 402-641-7531 or Rebecca Mau 402-363-1824 with any questions.

On Sunday, October 23 at 11:30 a.m. our congregation is hosting an educational workshop featuring Craig Stirtz. Craig serves as the Nebraska District and Concordia University, Nebraska, Gift Planning Counselor, assisting our members as we plan gifts for loved ones and ministry, which is a service he has been providing for 30 years in Nebraska.

Craig will cover multiple topics including: ways to create an estate plan that reduces taxes and maximizes what your loved ones are able to keep, how assets pass (inside and outside of probate), common mistakes people make and how to avoid them, why comprehensive estate planning is important, legacy planning (planning both for loved ones and ministry) and how to make gifts for ministry without disinheriting your loved ones.

This workshop is not a sales pitch as Craig has no products to sell and makes no commissions. It is an opportunity for you to hear what he has learned through his work that will help you avoid mistakes and maximize your gifts to loved ones and ministry.

You are welcome to come to the church for the presentation on Sunday, October 23 at 11:30 AM. Please sign up by clicking HERE to register or notify Scott Seevers at [email protected] of your interest to join us. A light lunch is provided.

Craig offers free, confidential and family focused planning for those wishing to include one or more LCMS ministries in their estate plan – including our congregation. For more information about his services, plan to attend the workshop or contact Craig at 402-616-0312 or [email protected].

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. We will collect boxed meals in September.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

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Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

“Tax Tips & Updates” is a workshop at St. John Lutheran on August 21, 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  The Presenter will be Joel Endorf.  There is no charge.  The last day to register is Sunday, Aug. 14.  Click this link to register for the workshop.  Child care will be provided and it begins with a light lunch at 12:30 p.m.

The new school year is here! Make sure your kids are registered for our weekly faith building programs, held during the school year each Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30 starting on September 14. Stepping Stones is for children age 3 through grade 4. Learn more and register here. Faith Inkubators is for 5th-8th grade students. Learn more and register here.

We will kick off the new year of Stepping Stones and Faith Ink with a family potluck picnic at Plum Creek Park on September 7 at  6:30. (If it rains, we’ll gather in the cafe at The Rock.)

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Also, they would still like more of the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

Vimeo |  

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected] 

Prayer Requests | [email protected] 

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.