Rock News


  • We’ll gather for a Rock Family Reunion Meal this Sunday, November 11 after church for a Thanksgiving feast! Please bring a dessert to share. All the rest will be provided.

  • Trip to Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa:  This Sunday morning is your last chance to register for the free lunch at Mission Central on the following Saturday, Nov. 17. You may still register to go on the trip up through Nov. 16, but you would need to bring your own sack lunch then. (What is Mission Central? Visit to learn more.)

    If you have not yet been contacted by a Rock caller to register for the tour, you may register with Bob and Mary Kropf before church at 9:30 this Sunday. They will be in the Cafe waiting to sign you up, hand out maps, and answer questions!  And yes, you may bring/invite non-Rock members! Just make sure they’re registered by calling Bob or Mary at one of the numbers below.

    In case of bad weather on the 17th, check your email (or call Bob or Mary as they’ll be up) before departing for church just in case the trip is cancelled.  We will meet in the church parking lot around 6:50 a.m for prayer and last minute comments, and hope to get on the road at 7 a.m.

    Questions?  Need to register?  Call 712-269-2035 or 712-269-6516.

  • Stepping Stones and FaithInk will not meet on Wednesday, November 21 so our volunteers can prepare/travel for Thanksgiving. We’ll meet again as normal the following week. (We’ll take a break for the Christmas/New Year holidays on 12/26 and 1/2.)
  • All through November, we’ll be collecting toothpaste for the Blue Valley Food Pantry item for October. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

  • Yoga at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27 (Erika). Fridays at 9:45 am on Nov. 2, 16, 23, 30 (Sara). Friday, Nov. 9 at 9:45 am (Erika). Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga class – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Also, find us on Facebook at for more updates about other classes we offer.

Rock News


  • Rev. Dr. Fungchatou Lo will be a guest preacher this Sunday, Nov. 4 at The Rock. Rev. Lo and his family are serving the Lord in Thailand through Mission of Christ Network. Fung’s primary ministry is to improve the theological training that is currently going on with the Hmong pastors and leaders in Southeast Asia, where there are over two million Hmong who still don’t know Jesus. Learn more here.

  • We’ll gather for a Rock Family Reunion Meal on Sunday, November 11 after church for a Thanksgiving feast! Please bring a dessert to share. All the rest will be provided. More information on Sunday!

  • The Rock is planning a day trip to tour Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa on Saturday, November 17, 2018. Mission Central is a training center and supporting agency for missionaries who have to raise 100% of their own support.  There are several very interesting places to see there such as the roadside chapel, the Barn with many artifacts and worship area, Ministry Center, and the new Creation Theater. We will be treated to a free homemade hot lunch There is no cost for this trip except fuel for your car, as we will be carpooling. To find out more about Mission Central, visit their website at

    If you have not been contacted about registering for this trip, please call Mary Kropf at 712-269-2035, or see her and Bob in the Cafe after church on Nov. 4 if you wish to go. We need to get you registered.  The free Mission Central lunch registration cutoff date is absolutely Nov. 11. You may still register to go on the trip after that date, but you would need to bring your own sack lunch. It has been asked if you may bring someone who isn’t a member of The Rock, such as grown children or other family and friends.  Yes, you may! They need to be registered with Mary and Bob for the trip and hot lunch, as well. There will be a brief meeting in the cafe after church this Sunday (Nov. 4) so that we can answer questions and hand out maps to those going to Mission Central.

  • All through November, we’ll be collecting toothpaste for the Blue Valley Food Pantry item for October. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

  • Yoga at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27 (Erika). Fridays at 9:45 am on Nov. 2, 16, 23, 30 (Sara). Friday, Nov. 9 at 9:45 am (Erika). Everyone is welcome to join us for 1 hour long Christ centered yoga class – your first class is FREE!  Please contact Sara at [email protected] if you have any questions. Also, find us on Facebook at for more updates about other classes we offer.



Rock News

  • There will be no Stepping Stones or FaithInk on October 31.


  • On Sunday, October 28, Orphan Grain Train will be at The Rock to share about their work and treat us to some grilled brats. Please bring a dessert and a side to share. Table service and drinks will be provided. We’ll gather again on Sunday, November 11 after church for a Thanksgiving feast! Please bring a dessert to share. All the rest will be provided. More information soon!


  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Be sure to thank Pastor Meyer and his family for all they do for our forever family at The Rock!


  • The Rock is planning a day trip to tour Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa on Saturday, November 17, 2018. Mission Central is a training center and supporting agency for missionaries who have to raise 100% of their own support.  It is an amazing place in the middle of a cornfield and runs strictly with volunteers. There are several very interesting places to see there such as the roadside chapel, the Barn with many artifacts and worship area, Ministry Center, and the new Creation Theater. We will be treated to a free homemade hot lunch or you may bring a sack lunch if you’d rather. There is no cost for this trip except fuel for your car, as we will be carpooling. Details are being worked on, and you will be contacted by a church member in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, please check out Mission Central’s website at
    While you’re waiting to be contacted, questions may be directed to Pastor Mike or Bob and Mary Kropf  ([email protected] or 712-269-2035). This is truly an event you won’t want to miss!!! Mark your calendars now!


  • We’re still collecting boxed  rice as our Blue Valley Food Pantry item for October. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe. Start preparing for November by adding toothpaste to your shopping lists and add some to the collection box next month.


  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.


  • Yoga at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm October 30 – Erika teaches. Fridays at 9:45 am October 26 – Sara teaches. Join us for Christ centered Yoga – everyone is welcome and your first class is FREE!  November schedule will be in the next church e-mail.  


  • Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Lincoln has an immediate opening for a full-time Property Manager responsible for the overall care of the church and school properties.  Responsibilities include maintenance of electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems; general repair of property and equipment; light construction projects and oversight of contracted services; coordinating building access and security; oversight of maintenance records and inventory; and facility cleanliness and grounds upkeep to ensure safety and aesthetic appearance. For more information and/or to submit an application, please contact the church office at 402-474-0606 or [email protected].

Rock News

  • There will be no Stepping Stones or FaithInk on October 31.
  • On Sunday, October 28, Orphan Grain Train will be at The Rock to share about their work and treat us to some grilled brats. Please bring a dessert and a side to share. Table service and drinks will be provided. We’re still in need of grills and people to grill the brats. Contact The Rock leadership if you’re willing to volunteer.
  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Be sure to thank Pastor Meyer and his family for all they do for our forever family at The Rock!
  • The Rock is planning a day trip to tour Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa on Saturday, November 17, 2018. Mission Central is a training center and supporting agency for missionaries who have to raise 100% of their own support.  It is an amazing place in the middle of a cornfield and runs strictly with volunteers. There are several very interesting places to see there such as the roadside chapel, the Barn with many artifacts and worship area, Ministry Center, and the new Creation Theater. We will be treated to a free homemade hot lunch or you may bring a sack lunch if you’d rather. There is no cost for this trip except fuel for your car, as we will be carpooling. Check out Mission Central’s website at www.missioncentral.  Questions may be directed to Pastor Mike or Bob and Mary Kropf  ([email protected] or 712-269-2035). This is truly an event you won’t want to miss!!!  Mark your calendars now! Gary Thies is an awesome host!
  • It’s time for rice as our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with our October item of boxed meals. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.


  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.


  • Yoga at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm October 2 – Sara teaches, October 9, 16, 23, 30 – Erika teaches. Fridays at 9:45 am October 5 – Erika, October 12, 19, 26
  • St. John Lutheran School Einspahr Fundraiser: The St. John Builders Club is selling t-shirts to raise money for Jackson Einspahr’s family. Jackson is a fourth grader in the St. John school and was diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma. Jackson is currently undergoing chemo at Children’s Hospital. Please place your order by October 26th. Complete the order form found at this link and return it to the school office with the money. T-shirts are $10 each. You can also donate more for the Einspahr family. We will call you when the t-shirts have arrived. You can also contact Amy Remington at 402-641-6245 with questions.
  • Sunday, November 11 we’ll be gathering after church for a Thanksgiving feast! Please bring a dessert to share. All the rest will be provided. More information soon!

Rock News

  • Changes for tonight’s kids activities: On Wednesday, October 3, children in K-4th grades will be meeting at Holthus Plaza at Concordia University (the fountain and bench area between Janzow and Thom). They’ll be visiting students along with our comfort dog, Nicodemus, and inviting them to worship at The Rock. Please bring your children by 6:30 and pick them up in the same location at 7:30. Pre-K students will still meet at The Rock. Middle school students in 5-8th grades should meet at Zabka Funeral Home (410 Jackson Ave) at 6:30. Parents should pick them up from the funeral home at 7:30.
    Also, on both October 17 and 31 there will be no Stepping Stones or FaithInk.


  • NYG Fundraiser:  Family Friendly Meals Saturday Oct. 13!  Come to Bottle Rocket Brewing for Lunch 11:00-2:30 and watch the Husker game on the big screen.  Or come for supper 5:00-8:00pm and listen to the Firehouse Five brass band play.  Serving: brats/hot dogs, chips, carrots, & cookie. All drinks sold separately by Bottle Rocket Brewing, including water, pop, and craft root beer. All proceeds from the meals will go to the accounts of the Youth involved who are attending next summer’s National Youth Gathering. Coordinator: Julie Berry  [email protected]  Those who are interested in attending the Gathering can sign up for this fundraiser and get other news at our Facebook page:


  • October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Be sure to thank Pastor Meyer and his family for all they do for our forever family at The Rock!


  • LIFE CHAIN SUNDAY is OCT. 7. 2:00 -3:00PM – West side of Court House
    What Is Life Chain? It’s a “prayer chain” and public (sidewalk) witness against abortion. Come, let us seek God’s divine intervention for the healing of our community and nation.  Who Should Attend? The Seward area Christian Community and all who are willing to defend human life against abortion. Bring the family, including a chair for elderly relatives
    Let Us Pray:

    • For our personal repentance and for spiritual awakening
    • For the unborn’s protection and for legalized abortion to end in U.S.
    • For God to convict and save abortionists and all who defend them
    • For all who witness our Life Chain, that their hearts will be touched
    • For our Christian leaders to extol Godliness, whatever the cost
    • For our public officials, that they will uphold justice and righteousness
    • For God’s anointing and divine use of 1550+ Life Chains in America


  • There will be a Comfort Dog meeting on Sunday, Oct. 14 after church at 11:20 am in Room 217.


  • It’s time for rice as our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with our October item of rice. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.


  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.


  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer.  We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.


  • Yoga at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm October 2 – Sara teaches, October 9, 16, 23, 30 – Erika teaches.   Fridays at 9:45 am October 5 – Erika, October 12, 19, 26


Rock News

  • This Sunday, we continue our series on Jonah. The book of Jonah is a quick read, so consider taking a look at it before Sunday’s service.
  • Changes for this Wednesday night’s kids activities! On Wednesday, October 3, children in K-4th grades will be meeting at Holthus Plaza at Concordia University (the fountain and bench area between Janzow and Thom). They’ll be visiting students along with our comfort dog, Nicodemus, and inviting them to worship at The Rock. Please bring your children by 6:30 and pick them up in the same location at 7:30. Pre-K students will still meet at The Rock. Middle school students in 5-8th grades should meet at Zabka Funeral Home (410 Jackson Ave) at 6:30. Parents should pick them up from the funeral home at 7:30.
    Also, on both October 17 and 31 there will be no Stepping Stones or FaithInk.
  • We’re still filling up our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with our September item of boxed meals. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe. In October, we’ll be collecting rice.
  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.
  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer.  We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.
  • YogaFaith at The Rock: Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm, starting September 13.  All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm – Sept. 4, 11, 25 (no class Sept. 18) and Fridays at 9:45 am – Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.

Rock News

  • This Sunday, we start our new series on Jonah. The book of Jonah is a quick read, so consider taking a look at it before Sunday’s service.

  • We’re still filling up our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with our September item of boxed meals. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe. In October, we’ll be collecting rice.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.

  • YogaFaith at The Rock:   Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm, starting September 13.  All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30 pm – Sept. 4, 11, 25 (no class Sept. 18) and Fridays at 9:45 am – Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.

Rock News

  • You are invited to join Trail Life for an Evening of Fishing and Fun on Aug 26th at 4:30 pm at the Seward Pond at the Fairgrounds. There will be fishing, games and a hot dog meal.  Trail Life is a Christian Outdoor Adventure group for boys, ages 5-17. Contact Troopmaster Rick Backhus 402-532-2143 or email at [email protected] with any questions.  We hope to see you there!
  • Stepping Stones & FaithInk Kickoff Picnic:
    When:  Wednesday, Sept. 5th at 6pm
    Where:  Plum Creek Park – Softball fields  (at the shelter that’s part of the 2-plex on the west side of Karol Kay Blvd, next to the tennis courts).
    What:  Sloppy Joes, buns, plates, and utensils will be provided
    Note:  Please bring drinks for your family and a side dish or dessert to share
    *If it rains, we’ll hold the picnic at The Rock in the cafe on the third floor.
  • Nicodemus Comfort Dog needs more handlers!  Handlers accompany Nico on all his outings and need the following qualifications:  (a) available for a minimum of 2-5 hours two or three times a week; (b) open to learning; (c) committed to learning Nico’s commands; (d) physically able to work with and exercise Nico; (e) open to listening and being quiet; and (f) able to pray with others during ministry moments.  It is a big commitment and an awesome opportunity to see God at work. Please feel free to talk to any of Nico’s current handlers for more information (Corey Gray, Danna Seevers, Sara Moll, Marcia Newsome, Linda Brettman, Brenda Rief, and Randy Newsome). They are all available with more information about being a handler and the application and training process.  The next Comfort Dog handler training you could attend is in Northbrook, Illinois in January 2019. Please contact Top Dog, Randy Newsome at [email protected] or 402-643-6595 for more information.
  • We’ve got one more week to fill up our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with canned fruit, our  item for August. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe. Start stocking up on September’s item of boxed meals.
  • On August 26, at 12:30 in the fellowship hall at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, Tim Moll will present a free seminar on preparing your will. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Register here.
  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.
  • National Youth Gathering: Registration for the 2019 national youth gathering will be due in early October, along with a non-refundable deposit (for teens & adult leaders). Some specific info to help you plan: the fee for the Gathering is $365 per participant. Another $40-50 for the Nebraska District event. Most of the rest of the cost will be hotel, food, and transportation. Look for information soon on a meeting with more details.

    Families of those who are interested, please click here and fill out this quick survey with some basic information to help us get started with our planning. Teens attending the youth gathering (July 11-15, 2019 in Minneapolis) should be entering ninth grade in the 2019-20 school year, or be new high school graduates. Those who are interested should join our Facebook group to keep up with news, or send their contact information to Kim Myers by replying to this newsletter.

  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.
  • YogaFaith at The Rock:   This fall we are happy to announce that we will be keeping the Friday morning YogaFaith class!  Our August schedule is as follows: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on August 7, 14, 21, and 28 and Fridays at 9:45 am on August 10, 17, 24 and 31.
  • Did you know that you can give to The Rock electronically? Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
    Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing.

Rock News

  • This Sunday, August 12, Missionary Ashley Johnson will share what God is doing in Cambodia.  She was with us last year prior to her deployment.

  • We’ll be having a potluck lunch followed by a voters’ meeting after the service on Sunday, August 19. The Rock will provide table service and drinks. We hope that you will provide the rest! Those with last names starting with A-M, please bring a main dish and a side dish to share. Those with names ending in N-Z, please bring a main dish and a salad (fruit or vegetable) to share. But even if you can’t bring something to share, please do stay with us and join the celebration. That is also the first Sunday Concordia University students will be back with us in worship, so be sure to greet them that day.

  • Take some time to look at the resources that anyone can “check out” on the shelves in the back of the worship center.  Most are youth related, but not all.

  • Nicodemus Comfort Dog needs more handlers!  Handlers accompany Nico on all his outings and need the following qualifications:  (a) available for a minimum of 2-5 hours two or three times a week; (b) open to learning; (c) committed to learning Nico’s commands; (d) physically able to work with and exercise Nico; (e) open to listening and being quiet; and (f) able to pray with others during ministry moments.  It is a big commitment and an awesome opportunity to see God at work. Please feel free to talk to any of Nico’s current handlers for more information (Corey Gray, Danna Seevers, Sara Moll, Marcia Newsome, Linda Brettman, Brenda Rief, and Randy Newsome). They are all available with more information about being a handler and the application and training process.  The next Comfort Dog handler training you could attend is in Northbrook, Illinois in January 2019. Please contact Top Dog, Randy Newsome at [email protected] or 402-643-6595 for more information.

  • Our Blue Valley Food Pantry item for August is canned fruit. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.

  • On August 26, at 12:30 in the fellowship hall, Tim Moll will present a free seminar on preparing your will at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Register here.

  • The Rock is looking for people willing to serve on the congregation’s Board of Directors. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, contact Tim Moll or Pastor Mike.

  • We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings:  Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

  • National Youth Gathering: Registration for the 2019 national youth gathering will be due in early October, along with a non-refundable deposit (for teens & adult leaders). Some specific info to help you plan: the fee for the Gathering is $365 per participant. Another $40-50 for the Nebraska District event. Most of the rest of the cost will be hotel, food, and transportation. Look for information soon on a meeting with more details.

    Families of those who are interested, please click here and fill out this quick survey with some basic information to help us get started with our planning. Teens attending the youth gathering (July 11-15, 2019 in Minneapolis) should be entering ninth grade in the 2019-20 school year, or be new high school graduates. Those who are interested should join our Facebook group to keep up with news, or send their contact information to Kim Myers by replying to this newsletter.

  • Women’s Midweek Bible Study:  If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women.  We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework!  We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us.  Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.

  • YogaFaith at The Rock:   This fall we are happy to announce that we will be keeping the Friday morning YogaFaith class!  Our August schedule is as follows: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on August 7, 14, 21, and 28 and Fridays at 9:45 am on August 10, 17, 24 and 31.

Rock News

This week, we continue our series called “The Sweet Life” and we’ll learn more about God from another delicious candy. In this series based on God’s Word, we’ll be reminded of His trustworthy promises to us as He shows us the truly “sweet” ways He “treats” those in His forever family.

We’ll be having a potluck lunch followed by a voters’ meeting after the service on Sunday, August 19. The Rock will provide table service and drinks. We hope that you will provide the rest! Those with last names starting with A-M, please bring a main dish and a side dish to share. Those with names ending in N-Z, please bring a main dish and a salad (fruit or vegetable) to share. But even if you can’t bring something to share, please do stay with us and join the celebration. That is also the first Sunday Concordia University students will be back with us in worship, so be sure to greet them that day.

Our Blue Valley Food Pantry item for August is canned fruit. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe.

The Rock is looking for people willing to serve on the congregation’s Board of Directors. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, contact Tim Moll or Pastor Mike.

We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings: Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.

National Youth Gathering: The registration deadline for the 2019 National Youth Gathering is coming in October, so look for information here on our next meeting and commitment dates. Teens attending the youth gathering (July 11-15, 2019 in Minneapolis) should be entering ninth grade in the 2019-20 school year, or be new high school graduates. Those who are interested should join our Facebook group to keep up with news, or send their contact information to Kim Myers by replying to this newsletter.

Women’s Midweek Bible Study: If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women. We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework! We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us. Please email Sara Moll at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.

YogaFaith at The Rock: This fall we are happy to announce that we will be keeping the Friday morning YogaFaith class! Our August schedule is as follows: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on August 7, 14, 21, and 28 and Fridays at 9:45 am on August 10, 17, 24 and 31.