Rock News

Join us for church tomorrow, when we dive into our new series, “Love Does.”

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.

Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the rest of April.  Sara will teach on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, and Erika will teach on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 pm.  Once May rolls around, we will review the situation again and decide how much longer we will need to offer class via Facebook. The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.

It’s been a few years since we’ve asked our members to share their personal contact information with us. We’d like everyone, even if you’ve been members from the start or only occasionally gather with us for worship, to visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

April 18, 2020

Join us for church tomorrow, April 19 when we dive into what we mean when we say that part of The Rock’s mission is to go “Beyond Borders.” Missionary Rev. Brent Smith talks about some amazing work God is doing through some amazing missionaries.

Watch on YouTube     // Watch on Facebook    // Watch on our website


We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.

It’s been a few years since we’ve asked our members to share their personal contact information with us. We’d like everyone, even if you’ve been members from the start or only occasionally gather with us for worship, to visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Easter at Home with The Rock

Join us at 10:00 on YouTube or Facebook for our Easter Sunday service!

YouTube |
Website |
Giving while at home |
Facebook |
Contact Us | [email protected]
Prayer Requests | [email protected]



We now have a mobile giving option!  Download the free GivePlus app from the Google Play or Apple app store and set up your account for an easy way to send your tithes and offerings. Learn more here:

Rock News: A Word of Encouragement

April 7, 2020


Dear Forever Family at The Rock,


We definitely are in uncharted waters in our world, community and our church today.  While it is frustrating for all of us to not have our regular worship gatherings in-person and other Rock activities, it’s important for all of us to keep perspective on what we have control over.  We certainly have no control over a virus, public health directives, and executive orders.  Yet, we do have control over how we react to social distancing and new, creative ways of connecting with each other.  We look forward in hope, anticipating the joy of our Forever Family’s awesome reunion in worship, to the future days when all this will be past.


The Rock is a “Word and Sacrament” Church.  We have three means of grace:  The Word of God, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion.  Historically, the Church has had to rely on the Word of God and our Baptisms when we could not celebrate Holy Communion together.  Congregations would wait weeks for the circuit riding pastor to arrive and then they would celebrate Holy Communion.  God’s Word assures us of forgiveness of sins, provides faith-producing promises of God, and instructs us in living as a child of God, even if we do not have opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.


If you desire to have a conversation or a web-based meeting with Pastor Mike or your Ambassador, we encourage you to contact us in one of the following ways:


1) call The Rock at 402-643-6624 and leave a voicemail,

2) send an email to [email protected],

3) send a personal message to The Rock’s Facebook page.


We encourage you to join with us in continued prayers for health, safety, and a speedy end to this virus and our current situation.  Pray for God’s blessing and provision to be upon The Rock!


Forever family in Jesus,
Pastor Mike
The Rock Ambassadors

Rock News: Challenges and Resources

Kingdom Challenges/Resources


In the message time these last two Sundays, Pastor Mike challenged all of us to take action to spread the Kingdom of God (his redemptive presence) to our community.  Here’s a reminder and more information on how you can be part of it.    


Last week, we focused on Jesus’ teaching and how He revealed the Kingdom of God to us by being with us and showing us how to overcome the obstacles we face.  Pastor Mike asked us to send a note or email of encouragement to someone who helped teach us about Jesus. A sample you can use is attached or draft your own.  There’s still plenty of time to spread a little hope and encouragement.


This week, we focused on Jesus’ feeding the 5,000 and how all our needs are provided for in the Kingdom of God.  Pastor Mike challenged us to spread God’s provision with someone who needs help. What can you do? Here are some suggestions:  buy gift cards and give them to someone who needs help because they are out of work or have health concerns; deliver groceries or other necessities to someone who can’t get out; make gifts of food or money to the Blue Valley Pantry in Seward; make a gift to Orphan Grain Train ( or People’s City Mission ( or one of the many other organizations who provide food and other provisions for those in need. 


Last, don’t forget to pray this Toilet Paper Prayer each time you have reason to come in contact with some toilet paper: “Gracious God, you provide everything for me, right down to this toilet paper.  Fill me with your peace and help me trust in you for all things. In Jesus name, Amen.” Maybe you could print it out and put in those places you are most likely to encounter toilet paper!  



Blessings on your week.


Rock News

  • It’s been a few years since we’ve asked our members to share their personal contact information with us. We’d like everyone, even if you’ve been members from the start or only occasionally gather with us for worship, to visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

  • Thanks to all who contributed to our 25 by 25 campaign to raise funds for maintenance on our building, including tuckpointing repairs. You may see this work being done on our building if you drive past The Rock in the next few weeks.

  • Join us online for our service at 10 on Sundays. You can watch on our Facebook page, or on our YouTube channel.  (We’d love it if you subscribed to our YouTube channel too. Once we get 100 subscribers, we can change our channel URL to TheRockSeward so it’s easier to find) Feel free to share your comments and prayer requests (if public) in the comments on either platform.

    Website |
    Giving while at home |
    Facebook |
    YouTube |
    Contact Us | [email protected]
    Prayer Requests | [email protected]

  • While we are unable to gather in person for services, you can still send your offerings in via mail to:
    The Rock
    PO Box 199
    Seward, NE 68434

  • Thank you to everyone who supported the Guatemala Mission Team by ordering meals from  La Carreta on Monday.

  • For the time being, YogaFaith is not meeting. But once they do meet again, everyone will be welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock!  Where: Room 120 (Located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock:  Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall.  Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left.)

    Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance.  Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m.  Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements.  They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space. 


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 




Rock News: 3/28/20

  • While we are unable to gather in person for services, you can still send your offerings in via mail to:
    The Rock
    PO Box 199
    Seward, NE 68434

  • Order carry out from La Carreta on Monday, March 30th from 11 a.m-9:30 p.m. to support the Guatemala Mission Team.  20% of your total will be donated back to the team.  In addition to all day carry out orders, the mission team is willing to deliver meals locally to your porch from 5-7 pm if you don’t want to venture out. Call La Carreta to place your order (and pay using a credit card if you want delivery) on Monday at 402-643-9544.  Thanks for supporting both the Guatemala Mission Team AND La Carreta during these uncertain times.

  • For the time being, YogaFaith is not meeting. But once they do meet again, everyone will be welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock!  Where: Room 120 (Located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock:  Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall.  Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left.)

    Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance.  Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m.  Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements.  They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space. 


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 




Rock News

  • Join us online for our service at 10 on Sundays. You can watch on our Facebook page,, or on our YouTube channel,  Feel free to share your comments and prayer requests (if public) in the comments on either platform. You can also send your prayers to [email protected] at any time.

  • While we are unable to gather in person for services, you can still send your offerings in via mail to:
    The Rock
    PO Box 199
    Seward, NE 68434

  • Order carry out from La Carreta on Monday, March 30th from 11 a.m-9:30 p.m. to support the Guatemala Mission Team.  20% of your total will be donated back to the team.  In addition to all day carry out orders, the mission team is willing to deliver meals locally to your porch from 5-7pm if you don’t want to venture out. Call La Carreta to place your order (and pay using a credit card if you want delivery) on Monday at 402-643-9544.  Thanks for supporting both the Guatemala Mission Team AND La Carreta during these uncertain times.

  • For the time being, YogaFaith is not meeting. But once they do meet again, everyone will be welcome to YogaFaith – flow and stretch with Erika or Sara at The Rock (237 South 3rd). YogaFaith has moved into its new room at The Rock!  Where: Room 120 (Located in the north east corner of the basement of The Rock:  Enter the south doors, walk past old Yoga room. Keep walking to the staircase at the end of the hall.  Walk down the ½ flight of stairs, turn right, walk down another ½ flight and the room is to your left.)

    Join us for an all-levels Christian yoga class to help you focus and connect with Him while you strengthen, stretch and balance.  Please bring a mat, if you are able, but we do have mats that you can borrow. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m.  Also, on Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m., join us for a gentle and relaxing Candlelight YogaFaith class at The Rock. These classes focus on stretching and slow movements.  They are Christ-centered, restful and appropriate for all levels. First class is free; after that it is $5.00 per class. Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes early in order to settle into your space. 


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 


Rock News: Join us online for worship tomorrow

We hope that you will join us online each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. until we can resume worship together at The Rock. We have three options available for viewing:

Join us on our YouTube channel at 10:00.

Join us on our  Facebook page at 10:00.

Watch the video later on Sunday here at our website.

We hope that you’ll join us, comment with your prayer requests, and pray for each other this week.

Contact Us:  [email protected]

Prayer Requests:  [email protected]

Giving while at home |

Face-to-Face Worship and Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

The Rock and COVID-19 Operations: March 18, 2020

Face-to-Face Worship and Activities Suspended Until Further Notice


In just a week, the COVID-19 situation in Nebraska has changed significantly and The Rock is adapting its ministry accordingly.


In accordance with the Governor’s announcement earlier this week, events that include more than 10 people, including in-person worship and Stepping Stones children’s ministry, are cancelled until the restrictions are lifted. 


Forever Family Questions & Answers


What alternatives will we have for Sunday Worship?

Routine and connection is important, so we will be piloting an online worship gathering, pre-recorded yet aired at 10 AM each Sunday. With Pastor Mike and the band leading us, it will have a feel similar to our Sunday worship.  Be patient as we experiment with this new way to worship our Lord, and check our website for details on how to view and interact from home.


What about small groups?

If you participate in a Bible study or small group with fewer than 10 people, your leader will be in touch with you about plans.  Any groups that assemble should be mindful of social distancing recommendations.


How can I stay connected, get support and offer encouragement to others at The Rock?

One of The Rock’s Ambassador team members will be inviting you to participate in a Facebook small group with others in the Forever Family.  Please share joys, challenges, needs and encouragement with those in your group in the days ahead. If you are not a Facebook user, that’s okay—your Ambassador can check in with you by phone.  If you are a Facebook whiz, maybe you can help your Ambassador with your group! 


The Rock’s Ambassadors are Nick Sloup, Rich Boring, Josh Alloway, Bill Schranz, Tim Moravec, Tom Briggs and Shane Sloup.


You can also ask for support or ask questions by emailing [email protected].



How can I best help our ministry right now?

Pray: please keep our Forever Family, Pastor Mike and our entire community and world in your prayers. Pray boldly that God will use this time of hardship to show us His power and love.

Engage: use the tools you have available to you to connect with people and offer the Christian care and concern they need.  People are anxious, and there is no better remedy than Jesus, our Rock. We are Jesus’ hands and feet, and we can make a difference by showing His love or sharing an encouraging Bible verse with others.


How do I continue financial support of our ministry?

We must continue to fund our ministry plan, but there is not currently an opportunity to drop an offering in the basket on Sundays.  For now, please mail your offerings to The Rock Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 199, Seward, NE 68434. 


If others need financial assistance, how can The Rock help?

The Rock will establish a fund to assist those in our community who are experiencing financial hardships brought on by loss of income during the pandemic.  Stand by for more details in the days ahead on how to support these efforts.


How do I stay updated on all the changes?

Given the rapid changes occurring, please keep an eye on The Rock’s website and social media for updates.