Face-to-Face Worship and Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

The Rock and COVID-19 Operations: March 18, 2020

Face-to-Face Worship and Activities Suspended Until Further Notice


In just a week, the COVID-19 situation in Nebraska has changed significantly and The Rock is adapting its ministry accordingly.


In accordance with the Governor’s announcement earlier this week, events that include more than 10 people, including in-person worship and Stepping Stones children’s ministry, are cancelled until the restrictions are lifted. 


Forever Family Questions & Answers


What alternatives will we have for Sunday Worship?

Routine and connection is important, so we will be piloting an online worship gathering, pre-recorded yet aired at 10 AM each Sunday. With Pastor Mike and the band leading us, it will have a feel similar to our Sunday worship.  Be patient as we experiment with this new way to worship our Lord, and check our website for details on how to view and interact from home.


What about small groups?

If you participate in a Bible study or small group with fewer than 10 people, your leader will be in touch with you about plans.  Any groups that assemble should be mindful of social distancing recommendations.


How can I stay connected, get support and offer encouragement to others at The Rock?

One of The Rock’s Ambassador team members will be inviting you to participate in a Facebook small group with others in the Forever Family.  Please share joys, challenges, needs and encouragement with those in your group in the days ahead. If you are not a Facebook user, that’s okay—your Ambassador can check in with you by phone.  If you are a Facebook whiz, maybe you can help your Ambassador with your group! 


The Rock’s Ambassadors are Nick Sloup, Rich Boring, Josh Alloway, Bill Schranz, Tim Moravec, Tom Briggs and Shane Sloup.


You can also ask for support or ask questions by emailing [email protected].



How can I best help our ministry right now?

Pray: please keep our Forever Family, Pastor Mike and our entire community and world in your prayers. Pray boldly that God will use this time of hardship to show us His power and love.

Engage: use the tools you have available to you to connect with people and offer the Christian care and concern they need.  People are anxious, and there is no better remedy than Jesus, our Rock. We are Jesus’ hands and feet, and we can make a difference by showing His love or sharing an encouraging Bible verse with others.


How do I continue financial support of our ministry?

We must continue to fund our ministry plan, but there is not currently an opportunity to drop an offering in the basket on Sundays.  For now, please mail your offerings to The Rock Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 199, Seward, NE 68434. 


If others need financial assistance, how can The Rock help?

The Rock will establish a fund to assist those in our community who are experiencing financial hardships brought on by loss of income during the pandemic.  Stand by for more details in the days ahead on how to support these efforts.


How do I stay updated on all the changes?

Given the rapid changes occurring, please keep an eye on The Rock’s website and social media for updates.




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