Mission Central Trip

11/17/2018, 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Mission Central

The Rock is planning a day trip to tour Mission Central in Mapleton, Iowa on Saturday, November 17, 2018. Mission Central is a training center and supporting agency for missionaries who have to raise 100% of their own support. It is an amazing place in the middle of a cornfield and runs strictly with volunteers. There are several very interesting places to see there such as the roadside chapel, the Barn with many artifacts and worship area, Ministry Center, and the new Creation Theater. We will be treated to a free homemade hot lunch or you may bring a sack lunch if you’d
rather. There is no cost for this trip except fuel for your car, as we will be carpooling. Check out Mission Central’s website at www.missioncentral.us

Questions may be directed to Pastor Mike or Bob and Mary Kropf ([email protected] or 712-269-2035). This is truly an event you won’t want to miss!!! Mark your calendars now! Gary
Thies is an awesome host!

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