Returning to In-Person Worship

Returning to In-Person Worship


As we plan to reopen The Rock for Sunday gatherings, we are using our best efforts to balance the interests of all involved. We are concerned for those who should not attend in-person gatherings at this time because they are at higher risk for severe illness or are in close contact with someone at risk. We are concerned for those who, for a variety of reasons, are not yet comfortable attending an in-person gathering. We are concerned for those who are not at high-risk and are anxious to gather for worship in person. In all our decisions and actions, we are guided by Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:2, “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

In this document, we are summarizing our plans for worship beginning on July 5, 2020. Our goal is for the forever family to worship together wherever we happen to be. Beginning July 5, there will be an option for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. Sundays, but there will also be an option to view the worship gathering via live stream. Over the past weeks, we have been acquiring and installing the technology necessary to allow all of us to participate together, with some people in-person at the Rock and others participating from home. Instead of recording the gathering in advance as we have done for the past weeks, the live stream will allow all of us to worship at the same time. We are excited to be together on Sundays in this way. Also, if it does not work for you to attend in person or view the live stream at 10:00 a.m., the live stream will be available for viewing after the live worship gathering is completed.

How do you fit in to these worship plans?


If you have upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms, if you live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms, if you have COVID-19, live with someone with COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should participate via the live stream. For your benefit and the benefit of those around you, it is not appropriate for you to attend in person at this time.



If you are elderly, have an underlying medical condition, or otherwise are at higher risk for severe illness or if you regularly have contact with at-risk persons, we encourage you to participate via the live stream.



If you are not described in Category #1 or Category #2 above, then please review the Instructions for In-Person Worship below to determine whether you would prefer to worship in person or by live stream. It will be up to each family to decide whether or not to attend in-person worship. We encourage each family to make a prayerful decision about whether or not the time is right for them. There is no way to entirely eliminate the risk of infection in any public gathering. If you choose to attend, your family will be voluntarily assuming that risk and we will expect you to comply with the following instructions and any other instructions you receive from Rock leaders. However, we cannot guarantee that all attendees will follow these instructions or that our plans will be effective to prevent the transmission of the virus or other forms of illness. If you have concerns or are uncomfortable, we encourage you to participate via the live stream.


NOTE: If you know a member of the forever family who does not have consistent access to the internet, please share this news with them and help them register as appropriate.



YOUTUBE: Go to The Rock’s YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays and view the worship gathering live or view it anytime thereafter. Go to, then search for “The Rock Lutheran Church” and you will see the Rock’s page and the link to view the worship gathering.

FACEBOOK: Go to The Rock’s Facebook page at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays and view live or view it anytime thereafter. Log in to Facebook using the link above, or search for “The Rock Seward” and you will see the Rock’s page and the link to view the worship gathering.

WEBSITE: Go to, then click on the “Messages” tab and you will find the links to the live stream on YouTube and Facebook.



  1. Before and following our worship gatherings, the facilities will be cleaned.
  2. Under the current Directed Health Measure, we are limited to 50% capacity.
  3. You will need to register before NOON on the Friday prior to the worship gathering if you wish to attend in-person worship. Follow this link to access a Google Form to register: You will be asked for the number in your group and asked to confirm that none of your group falls into Category #1 above. If we end up with more registrations than we can safely accommodate at 50% capacity, we may ask you to participate via the live stream.
  4. Enter and exit through the south doors of the building (parking lot side). Prior to entering the worship area, you will be asked to sign in and to certify you are not experiencing symptoms, have not been in contact with someone who is sick, and understand the procedures for worship.
  5. You will be ushered to a seating location so that the maximum number of people may be in our worship gathering. We will use our best efforts to seat attendees in family groups with appropriate social distancing, but we cannot guarantee you will be at least six feet from others.
  6. The wearing of masks is strongly encouraged by all attending worship, but not required, and excludes very young children. The Pastor and musicians are also not required to wear a mask.
  7. Offering baskets will be placed by the door of the worship center for those who desire to bring their tithes/offerings as part of their participation in worship.
  8. Use your best efforts to maintain physical distance between your family group and other attendees.
  9. The Rocker Room will NOT be accessible for use. If a child needs to leave the worship center to use the bathroom, a parent/guardian must go with them.
  10. The Rock Café will NOT be accessible for use and no coffee, drinks or snacks will be available.
  11. After the close of worship, you will remain seated until you are dismissed by an usher. Dismissal will start from the front of the worship center and physical distancing guidelines should be followed during dismissal. There will not be an opportunity to mingle or visit inside the facility after worship.


As we have all learned by now, the circumstances and guidance surrounding the pandemic are constantly changing. As these things change, our plans may need to change as well, so please watch carefully for potential updates and changes over the coming days. Thank you in advance for your patience as we all learn the process together.


To view or download this letter as a PDF, please click this link.

Rock News

Join us for church today as we start a new series about the masks we wear.

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

Stepping Stones (Pre-K thru 4th grade children’s ministry) is in the process of planning to start back up in September.  We need some more leaders and helpers to help our children continue to grow in their baptismal faith each week.  Is God nudging you to serve His little children in this way?  We’d love for you to learn and grow with us too!  The curriculum we use is very user friendly.  You can email [email protected], call 402-643-6624, or message us on The Rock’s Facebook page with your intentions or any other questions.

The Rock Ambassadors and Directors, along with Pastor Mike, have jointly determined to continue recorded online worship services through June.  They continue to develop a plan following state guidelines for public worship that will be accompanied by a live webcast.  Technology for the live webcast capability is being acquired and is expected to be in place by July.

As we head into summer, the lawn at The Rock is growing quickly! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

The Lutheran Chapel at University of Nebraska  is still looking for individuals interested in building a friendship with an international student online. They have many students from countries like China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, etc. who would really enjoy making an American friend. Volunteers would meet a student online for about 45 minutes, once a week, at a time that works for both them and the student. They have a number of female students they want to pair with a female volunteer.

This is a great opportunity to learn about another culture, share about our culture, and most importantly to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of an ongoing friendship. If you are interested in this, please e-mail Mark at: [email protected]


Keep up with the news from missionaries who’ve visited The Rock. You can visit our Beyond Borders to learn more about them and make a donation to support their work. The Hutton family’s (working in Costa Rica) latest newsletter can be found here, and Ashley Johnson’s (working in Cambodia) can be found here


We are offering more “drive up” Holy Communion appointments in June (Saturday the 20th and Wednesday the 24th) for those who are interested. We ask you to stay in your cars for a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion in each car so we can prepare properly for each date.

Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.


Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live!  YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live on June 16 and 19.  Sara teaches on Fridays at 9:00 am, and Erika teaches Tuesdays at 5:30 pm.  The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at this link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.   But we will be offering in person classes soon! 

Coming June 23…. We are so excited to be opening up the YogaFaith room at The Rock for in-person classes (and we will continue to teach online as well).

To stay 6 feet apart, we are limiting the number of people in the room to 6 (including Sara and Erika) so you will have to register in advance for an in-person class. Please click on this link to sign up for a class.  Please check our Facebook page for more details. 


We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News for 6/6/20

Join us for church tomorrow as Pastor Mike reminds us that even though our world is filled with sin, death, and suffering, Jesus is still risen and still reigns over all of it.

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

The Rock Ambassadors and Directors, along with Pastor Mike, have jointly determined to continue recorded online worship services through June.  They continue to develop a plan following state guidelines for public worship that will be accompanied by a live webcast.  Technology for the live webcast capability is being acquired and is expected to be in place by July.

Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

The Lutheran Chapel at University of Nebraska  is still looking for individuals interested in building a friendship with an international student online. They have many students from countries like China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, etc. who would really enjoy making an American friend. Volunteers would meet a student online for about 45 minutes, once a week, at a time that works for both them and the student. They have a number of female students they want to pair with a female volunteer.

This is a great opportunity to learn about another culture, share about our culture, and most importantly to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of an ongoing friendship. If you are interested in this, please e-mail Mark at: [email protected]

Keep up with the news from missionaries who’ve visited The Rock. You can visit our Beyond Borders to learn more about them and make a donation to support their work. The Hutton family’s (working in Costa Rica) latest newsletter can be found here, and Ashley Johnson’s (working in Cambodia) can be found here

We are offering more “drive up” Holy Communion appointments in June for those who are interested. We ask you to stay in your cars for a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion so we can prepare properly for each date.

Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.

Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live!  Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the month of June (although we are working on reopening plans which might happen in June).  Sara teaches on Fridays at 9:00 am, and Erika teaches Tuesdays at 5:30 pm.  The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.

We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

Join us for church tomorrow as Rev. Rich Boring leads us while Pastor Mike takes a well-earned break!

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

The Rock Ambassadors and Directors, along with Pastor Mike, have jointly determined to continue recorded online worship services through June.  They continue to develop a plan following state guidelines for public worship that will be accompanied by a live webcast.  Technology for the live webcast capability is being acquired and is expected to be in place by July.


If you have one of The Rock’s “He is Risen” signs you can take your sign and plant it in the rocks by the front entrance of the Rock. That’s where we will be collecting them. Thanks!


The Lutheran Chapel is looking for individuals interested in building a friendship with an international student online. They have many students from countries like China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, etc. who would really enjoy making an American friend. Volunteers would meet a student online for about 45 minutes, once a week, at a time that works for both them and the student.

This is a great opportunity to learn about another culture, share about our culture, and most importantly to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of an ongoing friendship. If you are interested in this, please e-mail Mark at: [email protected]


We are going to be offering more “drive up” Holy Communion appointments in June for those who are interested. We ask you to stay in your cars for a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion so we can prepare properly for each date.


Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.


Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 


Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the rest of April.  Sara will teach on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, and Erika will teach on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 pm.  Once May rolls around, we will review the situation again and decide how much longer we will need to offer class via Facebook. The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.


We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.



If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

Join us for church tomorrow as we wrap up our series, “Love Does.”

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website


Find the description of the Family Altar that Pastor Mike has been talking about by clicking on this link.

The Ambassadors continue to meet every Tuesday to prepare to tentatively reopen in-person worship on June 7th. When we return, we are concerned for those who are at-risk and not able to return to The Rock at this time. We will continue to record  our services and put them online for anyone to view. (The recordings will be available on Sunday afternoons until we’re able to get properly set up for livestreaming the services.)

Our concern is also for those who will be able to return.  Loving our neighbor at this time may include doing things that are uncomfortable to you personally, yet could be a blessing to your neighbor.  Social distancing is still a government requirement.  We’d like you to take this short, two question survey to get your feedback about in-person worship: 


He is still risen! Are there any “He is Risen” signs still floating around? This week is your last chance to plant them in someone’s yard! If you can’t think of anyone, take your sign and plant it in the rocks by the front entrance of the Rock. That’s where we will be collecting them. Thanks!


The Lutheran Chapel is looking for individuals interested in building a friendship with an international student online. They have many students from countries like China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, etc. who would really enjoy making an American friend. Volunteers would meet a student online for about 45 minutes, once a week, at a time that works for both them and the student.

This is a great opportunity to learn about another culture, share about our culture, and most importantly to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of an ongoing friendship. If you are interested in this, please e-mail Mark at: [email protected]

We are going to be offering “drive up” Holy Communion for those who are interested. We’re working on a safe process for packaging and handling the elements (gloves, masks, letting things sit for a few days) and then a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We have two more Saturday morning sessions and one Wednesday evening session available for now, and are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion so we can prepare properly for each date.

Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.

We have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.


Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 


Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the rest of April.  Sara will teach on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, and Erika will teach on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 pm.  Once May rolls around, we will review the situation again and decide how much longer we will need to offer class via Facebook. The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News: Quick Survey

The Ambassadors continue to meet every Tuesday to prepare to tentatively reopen in-person worship on June 7th. When we return, we are concerned for those who are at-risk and not able to return to The Rock at this time. We will continue to record  our services and put them online for anyone to view. (The recordings will be available on Sunday afternoons until we’re able to get properly set up for livestreaming the services.)

Our concern is also for those who will be able to return.  Loving our neighbor at this time may include doing things that are uncomfortable to you personally, yet could be a blessing to your neighbor.  Social distancing is still a government requirement.  We’d like you to take this short, two question survey to get your feedback about in-person worship: 


We are offering one more “drive up” Holy Communion for those who are interested. We’ve been using a safe process for packaging and handling the elements (gloves, masks, letting things sit for a few days) and then a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We will offer communion on Saturday, May 30 in two time slots: 10-10:30 and 10:30-11:00. Your response lets us prepare properly for how many will be taking communion.

Please respond by Wednesday, May 27 at noon for communion on the 30th. Click here to make your reservation now.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

May 16, 2020

Join us for church tomorrow, for part four of our new series, “Love Does.”

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

Find the description of the Family Altar that Pastor Mike mentioned last week by clicking on this link.

We are going to be offering “drive up” Holy Communion for those who are interested. We’re working on a safe process for packaging and handling the elements (gloves, masks, letting things sit for a few days) and then a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We have two more Saturday morning sessions and one Wednesday evening session available for now, and are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion so we can prepare properly for each date.


Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.

Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the rest of April.  Sara will teach on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, and Erika will teach on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 pm.  Once May rolls around, we will review the situation again and decide how much longer we will need to offer class via Facebook. The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.

We’re still hoping to get contact information from more of you. It’s been a few years since we’ve asked our members to share their personal contact information with us. We’d like everyone, even if you’ve been members from the start or only occasionally gather with us for worship, to visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your faithful giving, even while we’ve been away from our building. We hope these 4 giving options are helpful for you:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News: Drive Up Communion and Tentative Opening Date

Join us for church tomorrow, for part three of our new series, “Love Does.”

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website

We are going to be offering “drive up” Holy Communion for those who are interested. We’re working on a safe process for packaging and handling the elements (gloves, masks, letting things sit for a few days) and then a two-part process of giving you a bag with your bread/wine as you drive up and then driving forward to pray with Pastor Mike. We’ll have three Saturday morning sessions and one Wednesday evening session available, and are asking families to indicate which dates they will come, whether they will come at the top or bottom of the hour, and how many will be taking communion so we can prepare properly for each date.

Please respond by Sunday evening for Wednesday communion and by Wednesday noon for Saturday communion. Click here to make your reservation now so we can prepare properly.


After prayerful consideration, hearing from our church body leaders, and reading through “Nebraska State Guidelines to Resume Worship,” The Rock leaders have decided to tentatively resume public (in-person) worship gatherings June 7th. We will visit each week about opening earlier than June 7th if restrictions change. Until then, The Rock will continue to stream worship each Sunday at 10. We will continue to provide some form of online worship once we resume Sunday services.

This was not an easy decision knowing people are on both sides about public gatherings. At this time there are many unanswered questions. Read more by clicking here to read the full announcement.


Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.


Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live for the rest of April.  Sara will teach on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, and Erika will teach on Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 pm.  Once May rolls around, we will review the situation again and decide how much longer we will need to offer class via Facebook. The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.


It’s been a few years since we’ve asked our members to share their personal contact information with us. We’d like everyone, even if you’ve been members from the start or only occasionally gather with us for worship, to visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

The Rock’s Plan to Tentatively Resume Public Worship, June 7th

The Rock’s Plan to Tentatively Resume Public Worship, June 7th

After prayerful consideration, hearing from our church body leaders, and reading through “Nebraska State Guidelines to Resume Worship,” The Rock leaders have decided to tentatively resume public (in-person) worship gatherings June 7th.  We will visit each week about opening earlier than June 7th if restrictions change.  Until then, The Rock will continue to stream worship.

God’s Word reminds us in Philippians 2:1-4 (NIV),

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”


Guidelines for the Conduct of Faith-Based Services Including Weddings and Funerals Held in Houses of Worship from the State of Nebraska says,

Faith leaders are responsible for the safety of those who attend services in houses of worship and must limit physical participation on the premises depending on the size and structure of the house of worship. This document anticipates flexibility in the timing of reopening of services at houses of worship throughout the State based on the judgment of the faith leaders responsible for making such decisions.”


You can see the full guidelines at


This was not an easy decision knowing people are on both sides about public gatherings.  At this time there are many unanswered questions.  How do we continue social distancing with the space at The Rock?                                                                                                                                  

Would we need additional worship gatherings?  If so, how many?  How would we do Holy Communion?  How do we thoroughly clean after each worship gathering and how many people are needed to accomplish this?  What will be required to do a public worship gathering(s) AND continue Facebook, YouTube online worship for those at risk, sick, older population, and those who do not feel it is safe to be in a large group?


We tried to make this decision as being the best witness of Jesus Christ to the Forever Family, community of Seward, and the surrounding area.  Even now, the Ambassadors are crafting a plan to offer “drive thru” Holy Communion in the days ahead.  The leaders are very thankful to God that we can worship online through Facebook and YouTube.  We also understand everyone may not be able to worship this way.  If you’d like to discuss other ways we could bring God’s Word to you, please contact us through one of the following methods:

  • Phone:  402-643-6624 (please leave a voice message)
  • Email:  [email protected]
  • Facebook message:   The Rock


How can I best help our ministry right now?

Pray: please keep our Forever Family, Pastor Mike and our entire community and world in your prayers.  Pray boldly that God will use this time of hardship to show us His power and love.

Engage: use the tools and/or resources you have available to connect with people and offer the Christian care and concern they need.  People are anxious, and there is no better remedy than Jesus, our Rock.  We are Jesus’ hands and feet, and we can make a difference by showing His love or sharing an encouraging Bible verse with others.

God is good, all the time…all the time, God is good!

Your Ambassadors, Directors, and Pastor of The Rock

Rock News

Join us for church tomorrow, for part two of our new series, “Love Does.”

Watch on YouTube     //    Watch on Facebook    //  Watch on our website


We have updates from some of the missionaries supported by The Rock.

We now have 4 giving options:

  • You can mail your offering checks to us at: The Rock Church, PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434
  • Download the GivePlus app and give to The Rock using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.
  • Give online through InFaith and your donation can be made via credit/debit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through your checking/savings account. Through a collaboration with the InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent Financial, The Rock will not be assessed any fees if you give through this online portal.
  • Joyful Response is a way for individuals to make their stewardship commitment to God through The Rock on a regular basis. They can determine the start and stop date of the giving as well as the intervals of payment. This is a simple way for each of us to support the ministry through The Rock. People can designate their gifts to be split out towards the general fund or maybe they want some money to go into a building fund or outreach fund.
  • Click here for an electronic offering form. Forms need to be turned in to Rock treasurer Dave Kumm for processing. You can mail them to The Rock while we’re not gathering.

Spring has sprung and the lawn at The Rock is growing! We try to mow and trim at least once a week. Please consider signing up for  a week when you can mow and/or trim. If you can mow, but not trim, that’s okay. Or maybe you can trim, but not mow. That’s okay, too. Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Mowing is generally done on Friday or Saturday. If you’re signing up to mow for the first time, you’ll be contacted and instructed how to get the mower and how to operate it.  Click here to sign up and help us keep our lawn from becoming a jungle. 

Join YogaFaith through Facebook Live! Since it looks like we will need to continue to practice social distancing for a while longer, YogaFaith will still be teaching via Facebook Live.   The classes are available live at the set times on “YogaFaith-Seward Private Member Group” found at the following link.  If you are not already part of the group, click on the link and request to join.  

With Facebook live, you will be able to see the instructor, but we will not be able to see you.  Please feel free to comment or ask questions during the class.  We will have one person teaching the class and another filming and watching for comments or questions.  Also, since we can’t see you, you will need to be extra careful to make sure you are able to comfortably complete the class.  If there are positions you aren’t sure of or aren’t comfortable with, don’t force anything.  Send us a question, do an alternate, or just relax until the next pose.

Thank you to everyone who has shared their contact information with us. If you haven’t yet done so, please visit the form at this link and fill in as much personal information as possible. This information is for our leadership only. Your contact information will eventually be shared in a members’ directory that will be password protected, and you will have the opportunity to decide how much of your contact information will be public. If you have questions about how we’re keeping your information secure, send them to [email protected] and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.