Rock News

Special Saturday service on July 3: This year, July 4 falls on a Sunday so we will have our weekly service on Saturday, July 3 at 10, and will not gather on Sunday morning. This allows us to open our parking lot to the community for the events at the city square. Busy on Saturday or away from Seward this summer? Keep up with The Rock’s services on Facebook and YouTube. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do!

A new women’s Bible study will start soon. Starting July 13, Lori Moravec and Jennifer Janousek will be leading a study using the book “Joy: A Study of Philippians” by Deb Burma, and the study will meet at the Janousek’s home on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. until the study concludes on August 31. Contact Lori at [email protected] or Jennifer at [email protected] with questions or for more information. Anyone interested in attending should purchase the book at this link.

The Rock Annual Congregation Meeting:  Mark July 18 on your calendar, the date of The Rock’s annual meeting following Sunday’s worship gathering.  The three agenda items include 1) an update on the current budget and adoption of a new budget for the coming fiscal year; 2) election of a leadership candidates for both the Ambassadors and Directors; and 3) approval of the 2022 Saved to Serve ministry plan.  If you are wondering if you’re a voting member, please see Scott Seevers after church or send an email to [email protected].  You are still invited to attend the meeting regardless of your voting status.

Leadership Opportunities: Have you considered how your skills, experiences and heart may help The Rock’s leadership team?  We have a genuine existing need, and you’re invited to prayerfully consider serving the Lord in this way.  Ambassadors serve the spiritual needs of the congregation and its pastor, including worship.  Directors lead the administrative elements of The Rock’s mission.  Reach out to Rich Boring ([email protected]) if you’d consider serving as an Ambassador; email Scott Seevers ([email protected]) if you’re drawn to serving as a Director—they’ll provide more details to inform your decision.

Financial Matters: 

  • The Rock’s fiscal year will draw to a close on June 30.  With a strong finish in June, the congregation will finish the fiscal year in stable financial condition.
  • The Directors authorized expenditure of building funds for two significant purchases, including a new heating unit for the lower level SE classroom ($4,500) and a lighted 132” sign for The Rock’s main entrance ($4,225).

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership: BVCA’s board accepted a construction bid for the project at The Rock and work will begin soon.  Not included in the bid was painting of the rooms or removal of the remaining lockers from the facility.  Stand by for an announcement of a joint BVCA/The Rock service work day to tackle these items.

How is it going? We are saved to serve! As we seek God’s guidance for The Rock in the upcoming weeks and months, we would love to hear how you are doing. If you were at in-person worship this morning and picked up a paper copy of the questions, or if you want to print the form (linked in the comments), you can turn in your responses on paper in the Rock café. If you would rather submit your responses electronically, please complete the online survey at the link below. There are only three questions to complete. We will be gathering responses from now until June 20.  Pastor and The Rock leaders will use the information to help make plans for the new fiscal year of The Rock, which begins on July 1. Thank you! 

Let’s keep in contact! Our leadership team is updating our records of everyone’s contact information. This helps us keep track of who is related to whom and how we can best contact you. Fill in our form at to help us with our record keeping. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  

We will be offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows:  Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join us once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  We recommend it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in our monthly unlimited class pass.

Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 21 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

Our July item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned meat (but we ask you to save tuna for December). If you still have just-add-water pancake mix from June (please avoid the type that requires added milk, egg, oil, etc), you can add that to the box as well. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Forever Family Lunch! Join us after the service this Sunday, June 27, for a potluck lunch. Please bring a main dish and a side dish to share. We will provide dessert, drinks, and table service. 

A new women’s Bible study will start soon. Starting July 13, Lori Moravec and Jennifer Janousek will be leading a study using the book “Joy: A Study of Philippians” by Deb Burma, and the study will meet at the Janousek’s home on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. until the study concludes on August 31. Contact Lori at [email protected] or Jennifer at [email protected] with questions or for more information. Anyone interested in attending should purchase the book at this link.

Special Saturday service on July 3: This year, July 4 falls on a Sunday so we will have our weekly service on Saturday, July 3 at 10, and will not gather on Sunday morning. This allows us to open our parking lot to the community for the events at the city square. Busy on Saturday or away from Seward this summer? Keep up with The Rock’s services on Facebook and YouTube. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do!

The Rock Annual Congregation Meeting:  Mark July 18 on your calendar, the date of The Rock’s annual meeting following Sunday’s worship gathering.  The three agenda items include 1) an update on the current budget and adoption of a new budget for the coming fiscal year; 2) election of a leadership candidates for both the Ambassadors and Directors; and 3) approval of the 2022 Saved to Serve ministry plan.  If you are wondering if you’re a voting member, please see Scott Seevers after church or send an email to [email protected].  You are still invited to attend the meeting regardless of your voting status.

Leadership Opportunities: Have you considered how your skills, experiences and heart may help The Rock’s leadership team?  We have a genuine existing need, and you’re invited to prayerfully consider serving the Lord in this way.  Ambassadors serve the spiritual needs of the congregation and its pastor, including worship.  Directors lead the administrative elements of The Rock’s mission.  Reach out to Rich Boring ([email protected]) if you’d consider serving as an Ambassador; email Scott Seevers ([email protected]) if you’re drawn to serving as a Director—they’ll provide more details to inform your decision.

Financial Matters: 

  • The Rock’s fiscal year will draw to a close on June 30.  With a strong finish in June, the congregation will finish the fiscal year in stable financial condition.
  • The Directors authorized expenditure of building funds for two significant purchases, including a new heating unit for the lower level SE classroom ($4,500) and a lighted 132” sign for The Rock’s main entrance ($4,225).

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership: BVCA’s board accepted a construction bid for the project at The Rock and work will begin soon.  Not included in the bid was painting of the rooms or removal of the remaining lockers from the facility.  Stand by for an announcement of a joint BVCA/The Rock service work day to tackle these items.

How is it going? We are saved to serve! As we seek God’s guidance for The Rock in the upcoming weeks and months, we would love to hear how you are doing. If you were at in-person worship this morning and picked up a paper copy of the questions, or if you want to print the form (linked in the comments), you can turn in your responses on paper in the Rock café. If you would rather submit your responses electronically, please complete the online survey at the link below. There are only three questions to complete. We will be gathering responses from now until June 20.  Pastor and The Rock leaders will use the information to help make plans for the new fiscal year of The Rock, which begins on July 1. Thank you! 

Let’s keep in contact! Our leadership team is updating our records of everyone’s contact information. This helps us keep track of who is related to whom and how we can best contact you. Fill in our form at to help us with our record keeping. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm, and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  YogaFaith will be offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows:  Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join them once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  YogaFaith recommends it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in their monthly unlimited class pass.

Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 21 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

Our June item for the Blue Valley food pantry is just-add-water pancake mix (please avoid the type that requires added milk, egg, oil, etc). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Once July starts, we’ll be collecting canned meat (but keep your donations of tuna for December). 

Contact Us | [email protected]
Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

The Rock Budget for Ministry


This week we reviewed what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus and truly surrender control of your life to Him. We are also reviewing where God is leading the Rock with its finances.  The first document, found at this link, is the Rock Full Implementation Budget. It shows the Rock’s current budget and goes on to show the budget areas where the leaders of the Rock believe it would be appropriate to increase the Rock’s financial commitments to ministry. The Confidential Rock Financial Response Form, found at this link, is a way for you to state your intentions for giving to the Rock during the upcoming fiscal year. That information will help you be intentional about the portion of your finances you intend to devote to ministry and will help the leaders at the Rock plan for the upcoming year. We ask that each of you would prayerfully take the following steps:

  1. Review and pray about the Rock Full Implementation Budget. We would love to hear your thoughts on the budget items listed as to move toward adoption of a new budget for the new fiscal year starting July 1, 2021.  If you have comments, you can email them to [email protected] or contact Pastor Mike or any of the leaders at the Rock. A listing of the current Rock Leaders is available here:
  2. Pray about and complete the attached financial response form.  You can print off your responses, put them in an envelope and drop them off in the basket in the Café at the Rock or you can email your completed form to [email protected] and it will be forwarded to the Treasurer. 

Thank you! 

Rock News

Forever Family Lunch! Join us after the service on Sunday, June 27 for a potluck lunch. Please bring a main dish and a side dish to share. We will provide dessert, drinks, and table service. 

Special Saturday service on July 3: This year, July 4 falls on a Sunday so we will have our weekly service on Saturday, July 3 at 10, and will not gather on Sunday morning. This allows us to open our parking lot to the community for the events at the city square. Busy on Saturday or away from Seward this summer? Keep up with The Rock’s services on Facebook and YouTube. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do!

How is it going? We are saved to serve! As we seek God’s guidance for The Rock in the upcoming weeks and months, we would love to hear how you are doing. If you were at in-person worship this morning and picked up a paper copy of the questions, or if you want to print the form (linked in the comments), you can turn in your responses on paper in the Rock café. If you would rather submit your responses electronically, please complete the online survey at the link below. There are only three questions to complete. We will be gathering responses from now until June 20.  Pastor and The Rock leaders will use the information to help make plans for the new fiscal year of The Rock, which begins on July 1. Thank you! 

Let’s keep in contact! Our leadership team is updating our records of everyone’s contact information. This helps us keep track of who is related to whom and how we can best contact you. Fill in our form at to help us with our record keeping. 

Powering the Ministry of The Rock: As The Rock approaches the end of our fiscal year, it appears annual general fund contributions will be lower than budgeted.  Directors will share final financial information at the July congregational meeting, along with a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can support ministry at The Rock, online or in person, at

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership Updates:  A contractor is engaged and preparing a bid for construction on the lower level of The Rock.  Once the bid is approved, work will commence on the improvements. The train club that was using the space has cleared their materials from the area and a crew of volunteers has removed the lockers from the downstairs hallway.  In exchange for a small donation, many of the lockers were picked up by members of the congregation or community.

 YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  

YogaFaith is offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows: Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join them once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  We recommend it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in our monthly unlimited class pass.

Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 21 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

Our June item for the Blue Valley food pantry is just-add-water pancake mix (please avoid the type that requires added milk, egg, oil, etc). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Once July starts, we’ll be collecting canned meat (but keep your donations of tuna for December). 

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

A new women’s Bible study will start soon. Starting July 13, Lori Moravec and Jennifer Janousek will be leading a study using the book “Joy: A Study of Philippians” by Deb Burma, and the study will meet at the Janousek’s home on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. until the study concludes on August 31. Contact Lori at [email protected] or Jennifer at [email protected] with questions or for more information. Anyone interested in attending should purchase the book at this link.

The Rock is pleased to announce that we received a grant from the Esther 4:14 National Grant Program offered by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to upgrade our media to help meet the increased audio-visual needs we have in the sanctuary and for live streaming. We look forward to upgrading some of our equipment soon. 

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in learning how to manage the audio-visual, livestream, and lighting console on Sunday mornings. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Contact Pastor Mike, Tim Moll, or Shane Sloup. 

Powering the Ministry of The Rock: As The Rock approaches the end of our fiscal year, it appears annual general fund contributions will be lower than budgeted.  Directors will share final financial information at the July congregational meeting, along with a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can support ministry at The Rock, online or in person, at


Blue Valley Community Action Partnership Updates:  A contractor is engaged and preparing a bid for construction on the lower level of The Rock.  Once the bid is approved, work will commence on the improvements. The train club that was using the space has cleared their materials from the area and a crew of volunteers has removed the lockers from the downstairs hallway.  In exchange for a small donation, many of the lockers were picked up by members of the congregation or community.


New Home for Mowers:  The Rock’s mowing and snow removal equipment will reside in a new home this summer.  The Directors authorized the purchase of a 10×12 shed to house the equipment, some of which was inconveniently housed away from the church property.


YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.


Attention high school students who are part of the classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, AND 2025! If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston in 2022, please contact Jen Axt (308) 631-7065 by text or phone, [email protected] by email, or join The Rock LCMS Youth Gathering Facebook page.  You can also join the Remind group @therocklcm.

Fundraising efforts are underway for this exciting, fun, Christ-centered gathering of youth from all over the country!  

Our June item for the Blue Valley food pantry is just-add-water pancake mix (please avoid the type that requires added milk, egg, oil, etc). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.


Away from Seward this summer? Keep up with The Rock’s services on Facebook and YouTube. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do!

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

How is it going?


We are saved to serve! As we seek God’s guidance for The Rock in the upcoming weeks and months, we would love to hear how you are doing. If you were at in-person worship this morning and picked up a paper copy of the questions, or if you want to print the form linked here, you can turn in your responses on paper in the Rock café. If you would rather submit your responses electronically, please complete the online survey at this link. There are only three questions to complete. We will be gathering responses from now until June 20.  Pastor and The Rock leaders will use the information to help make plans for new fiscal year of The Rock, which begins on July 1.  Thank you!

Rock News

The Rock is pleased to announce that we received a grant from the Esther 4:14 National Grant Program offered by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to upgrade our media to help meet the increased audio-visual needs we have in the sanctuary and for live streaming. We look forward to upgrading some of our equipment soon. 

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in learning how to manage the audio-visual, livestream, and lighting console on Sunday mornings. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Contact Pastor Mike, Tim Moll, or Shane Sloup. 

Powering the Ministry of The Rock: As The Rock approaches the end of our fiscal year, it appears annual general fund contributions will be lower than budgeted.  Directors will share final financial information at the July congregational meeting, along with a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can support ministry at The Rock, online or in person, at

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership Updates:  A contractor is engaged and preparing a bid for construction on the lower level of The Rock.  Once the bid is approved, work will commence on the improvements. The train club that was using the space has cleared their materials from the area and a crew of volunteers has removed the lockers from the downstairs hallway.  In exchange for a small donation, many of the lockers were picked up by members of the congregation or community.

New Home for Mowers:  The Rock’s mowing and snow removal equipment will reside in a new home this summer.  The Directors authorized the purchase of a 10×12 shed to house the equipment, some of which was inconveniently housed away from the church property.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Attention high school students who are part of the classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, AND 2025! If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston in 2022, please contact Jen Axt (308) 631-7065 by text or phone, [email protected] by email, or join The Rock LCMS Youth Gathering Facebook page.  You can also join the Remind group @therocklcm.

Fundraising efforts are underway for this exciting, fun, Christ-centered gathering of youth from all over the country!  

Our June item for the Blue Valley food pantry is just-add-water pancake mix (please avoid the type that requires added milk, egg, oil, etc). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.

Away from Seward this summer? Keep up with The Rock’s services on Facebook and YouTube. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do!

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

The Rock and Blue Valley Community Action Partnership Updates

Planning continues for BVCA occupancy in the lower southeast section of The Rock, beginning in Fall 2021. Here’s how YOU and your family can help make this joint ministry effort happen:

  • Blue Valley is responsible for necessary upgrades to the building, but many are inspired to help.  You are invited to support Blue Valley in raising required funds, estimated at $25,000.  You may write a check directly to Blue Valley Community Action or to The Rock.  In either case, indicate “The Rock-BVCA project” in the memo line.
  • The Rock is also using this opportunity to look at external signage for our building.  This is currently an unbudgeted item for The Rock and we are inviting donations to cover the cost of the signage and installation.  Please email [email protected] or call 402-641-5553 if you would like to learn more about how to participate.

YogaFaith Open House:  Ever wondered what the Northeast corner of the lower level of the Rock looks like? Come and check it out after church on Sunday, May 23 (11:15-12:00).  The YogaFaith room is located in Room 120.  Just go down the north stairs and go to the left and the room is in the corner.  Come learn about our classes, have some refreshments and enter our drawing for a prize! 

Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.  

Furniture and Random Stuff Sale, Friday, May 21 / 12pm-6pm at Concordia University – Jesse Hall (basement)  

Concordia is again clearing out well loved older furniture and random stuff to find a new home in your home! Come check out all sorts of school desks, school chairs, bookcases, office desks, desk chairs, rolling office chairs, tables, storage cabinets, files cabinets, room dividers, and other random items. Plan to pay and pick up during the sale. Sale is indoors so masks recommended.  

Those who are members of a Seward circuit LCMS congregation and intend to study to become a church worker in an LCMS congregation or school, or who are already ordained or commissioned workers, can apply for a scholarship from the Seward circuit ministerial training fund. The fund exists to: provide assistance to retiring debt of those who are LCMS pastors and church workers; provide scholarships for students attending an LCMS university or seminary to become a church worker; provide training for lay leadership programs of the Nebraska District and Synod. Assistance is limited to no more than $1500 per applicant, per year. The deadline for applications is June 2. Please contact Pastor Mike about an application, or to make a donation.

As The Rock enters the final quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, financial support for the ministry has been strong enough thus far to meet the budget needs and also address some maintenance projects that have arisen.  Since the end of January, weekly contributions have softened and are still trending downward as we enter the spring and summer, typically times when contributions are lower.  While trusting in the Lord’s provision, leaders at The Rock will be keeping a close eye on both expenses and contributions during April, May and June.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can give, online or in person, at

Attention high school students who are part of the classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, AND 2025! If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston in 2022, please contact Jen Axt (308) 631-7065 by text or phone, [email protected] by email, or join The Rock LCMS Youth Gathering Facebook page.  You can also join the Remind group @therocklcm.

Fundraising efforts are underway for this exciting, fun, Christ-centered gathering of youth from all over the country!  

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in learning how to manage the audio-visual, livestream, and lighting console on Sunday mornings. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Contact Pastor Mike, Tim Moll, or Shane Sloup. 

Our May item for the Blue Valley food pantry is tissues. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.


If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

The Rock and Blue Valley Community Action Partnership Updates

Planning continues for BVCA occupancy in the lower southeast section of The Rock, beginning in Fall 2021. Here’s how YOU and your family can help make this joint ministry effort happen:

  • Lend a hand: A work day has been scheduled at The Rock on Saturday, May 15 from 9-12:30.  Bring your crowbar, wrench, and gloves as we tear out old lockers and remove other items from the lower level.  We need your help for this important first step, so please sign up to help HERE.
  • Partner financially: 
    • Blue Valley is responsible for necessary upgrades to the building, but many are inspired to help.  You are invited to support Blue Valley in raising required funds, estimated at $25,000.  You may write a check directly to Blue Valley Community Action or to The Rock.  In either case, indicate “The Rock-BVCA project” in the memo line.
    • The Rock is also using this opportunity to look at external signage for our building.  This is currently an unbudgeted item for The Rock and we are inviting donations to cover the cost of the signage and installation.  Please email [email protected] or call 402-641-5553 if you would like to learn more about how to participate.

Those who are members of a Seward circuit LCMS congregation and intend to study to become a church worker in an LCMS congregation or school, or who are already ordained or commissioned workers, can apply for a scholarship from the Seward circuit ministerial training fund. The fund exists to: provide assistance to retiring debt of those who are LCMS pastors and church workers; provide scholarships for students attending an LCMS university or seminary to become a church worker; provide training for lay leadership programs of the Nebraska District and Synod. Assistance is limited to no more than $1500 per applicant, per year. The deadline for applications is June 2. Please contact Pastor Mike about an application, or to make a donation.

Action Alert for your consideration: 

Concerns with The Equality Act currently before Congress in Washington D.C.:  

The Equality Act that is being considered by Congress sounds innocent. All Americans should enjoy equality and the protections of the U.S. Constitution. But in elevating sexual orientation to a protected class, the Equality Act will bring sweeping changes to current laws, to the great detriment of the religious and constitutional freedoms of biblically faithful churches, institutions, Christian schools and individuals.

In fact, those churches and institutions that are bound by the Word of God to the truth of marriage between a man and a woman could be punished for simply standing on our consistent beliefs. The Equality Act effectively outlaws the words of Christ and our free exercise of religion.

The Equality Act expands the definition of “public accommodation” and puts an ultimatum to individuals, religious non-profits, food banks, schools, charities, adoption agencies and others: “Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment.”

What can you do?

  • Treat all people with kindness and respect (“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:31).
  • Become informed about the Equality Act and the issues of gender dysphoria.
  • Consider your role as Christian citizens and make your voice known to your elected officials. Our friends at Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI) have created a simple web tool to allow you to reach out to your congressperson.
  • Pray for our officials, government, and the church in these challenging days.

Concerns with the K-12 Health Education Standards proposed by the Nebraska Department of Education:

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) recently released a first draft of K-12 Health Standards. These standards are meant to guide curriculum for all Nebraska schools, including public and non-public schools.

The Health Standards are a deeply flawed, ideologically driven document. Should such standards be adopted by schools, children will be placed in peril, many educators will find their professional judgment and conscience under attack, and the culture will move toward a further normalization of child sexualization.

Read the proposed Health Standards and take special note of the “Human Growth and Development” section in each grade. Here are a few highlights:

  • In Kindergarten, students will “discuss different kinds of family structures (e.g. single parent, blended, intergenerational, cohabitating, adoptive, foster, same-gender, interracial). Note that traditional marriage between a man and woman is not mentioned.
  • In 1st grade, students “define gender, gender identity, and gender-role stereotypes.”
  • In 4th grade, students “distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”
  • In 8th grade, students would be taught that abortion is “reproductive care” and how to develop a plan to eliminate an unplanned pregnancy.

What can you do?

  • Pray for Christian teachers and staff serving in our public schools, that they may find opportunities to freely share their faith.
  • Double down on your commitment to Christian education for your own family.
  • Talk about your concern for the new health education standards with your friends. Make sure that they are aware of the educational standards being proposed for every public school in Nebraska.
  • The Nebraska Department of Education is seeking feedback about these standards. Please take some time to fill out the NDE online survey and speak up for all Nebraska kids!
  • Watch for local Health Education Standards.

As The Rock enters the final quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, financial support for the ministry has been strong enough thus far to meet the budget needs and also address some maintenance projects that have arisen.  Since the end of January, weekly contributions have softened and are still trending downward as we enter the spring and summer, typically times when contributions are lower.  While trusting in the Lord’s provision, leaders at The Rock will be keeping a close eye on both expenses and contributions during April, May and June.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can give, online or in person, at

Attention high school students who are part of the classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, AND 2025! If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston in 2022, please contact Jen Axt (308) 631-7065 by text or phone, [email protected] by email, or join The Rock LCMS Youth Gathering Facebook page.  You can also join the Remind group @therocklcm.

Fundraising efforts are underway for this exciting, fun, Christ-centered gathering of youth from all over the country!  

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in learning how to manage the audio-visual, livestream, and lighting console on Sunday mornings. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Contact Pastor Mike, Tim Moll, or Shane Sloup. 

Our May item for the Blue Valley food pantry is Kleenex (any brand of facial tissues). Our April item was paper towels, and if you still have some to donate, you can add them to the collection box. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.

View The Rock’s service each week from home! We will continue to provide viewing options on Facebook and YouTube for those who need to or prefer to worship from home at this time. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do, and we look forward to being together again as a Forever Family!

Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative Candlelight YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and YogaFaith Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings at 8:00-8:45 a.m.  Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

The Seward City Council repealed the ordinance that required masks to be worn in all public buildings, including places of worship.   As a result, our mask policy at YogaFaith-Seward has also changed. Please feel free to wear your mask if you would like to, but masks are not required to enter The Rock or to practice Yoga at YogaFaith-Seward.  Class size will no longer be limited to 6 students per class and we are no longer requiring that you sign up in advance for the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday classes. 

However, we will limit Restorative YogaFaith classes to 8 students per class because of the limited number of props that we have available. Please continue to use Sign Up Genius for that class only. We will still be offering online classes for people that want to take our YogaFaith classes at home!

Please click on this link to sign up for a class. If you would like to take the class online please email Sara at [email protected] and she will give you instructions! 

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. 

Rock News

Please join us right after worship this Sunday, April 25, to celebrate Nicodemus Comfort Dog’s 5th Birthday! You can greet Nico, enjoy a cupcake, and visit with the Comfort Dog Team.  Also, please plan to stay for a short meeting to learn more about all the ways God works through Nico and his team and how you can be a part of it. There are a number of ways that you can help.  We need more Handlers (people trained to be on the leash and take Nico on walks and to ministry opportunities, Ministry Partners (people that go with Nico and a Handler to provide assistance), and Care Givers and back up Care Givers (trained as Handlers and they keep Nico in their home on a full time or part time basis).  There will be lots of time to ask questions!  Please contact Randy Newsome at [email protected] and 402-643-6595 if you have any questions before the meeting.

Those who are members of a Seward circuit LCMS congregation and intend to study to become a church worker in an LCMS congregation or school, or who are already ordained or commissioned workers, can apply for a scholarship from the Seward circuit ministerial training fund. The fund exists to: provide assistance to retiring debt of those who are LCMS pastors and church workers; provide scholarships for students attending an LCMS university or seminary to become a church worker; provide training for lay leadership programs of the Nebraska District and Synod. Assistance is limited to no more than $1500 per applicant, per year. The deadline for applications is June 2. Please contact Pastor Mike about an application, or to make a donation.

Action Alert for your consideration: 

Concerns with The Equality Act currently before Congress in Washington D.C.:  

The Equality Act that is being considered by Congress sounds innocent. All Americans should enjoy equality and the protections of the U.S. Constitution. But in elevating sexual orientation to a protected class, the Equality Act will bring sweeping changes to current laws, to the great detriment of the religious and constitutional freedoms of biblically faithful churches, institutions, Christian schools and individuals.

In fact, those churches and institutions that are bound by the Word of God to the truth of marriage between a man and a woman could be punished for simply standing on our consistent beliefs. The Equality Act effectively outlaws the words of Christ and our free exercise of religion.

The Equality Act expands the definition of “public accommodation” and puts an ultimatum to individuals, religious non-profits, food banks, schools, charities, adoption agencies and others: “Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment.”

What can you do?

  • Treat all people with kindness and respect (“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:31).
  • Become informed about the Equality Act and the issues of gender dysphoria.
  • Consider your role as Christian citizens and make your voice known to your elected officials. Our friends at Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI) have created a simple web tool to allow you to reach out to your congressperson.
  • Pray for our officials, government, and the church in these challenging days.

Concerns with the K-12 Health Education Standards proposed by the Nebraska Department of Education:

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) recently released a first draft of K-12 Health Standards. These standards are meant to guide curriculum for all Nebraska schools, including public and non-public schools.

The Health Standards are a deeply flawed, ideologically driven document. Should such standards be adopted by schools, children will be placed in peril, many educators will find their professional judgment and conscience under attack, and the culture will move toward a further normalization of child sexualization.

Read the proposed Health Standards and take special note of the “Human Growth and Development” section in each grade. Here are a few highlights:

  • In Kindergarten, students will “discuss different kinds of family structures (e.g. single parent, blended, intergenerational, cohabitating, adoptive, foster, same-gender, interracial). Note that traditional marriage between a man and woman is not mentioned.
  • In 1st grade, students “define gender, gender identity, and gender-role stereotypes.”
  • In 4th grade, students “distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”
  • In 8th grade, students would be taught that abortion is “reproductive care” and how to develop a plan to eliminate an unplanned pregnancy.

What can you do?

  • Pray for Christian teachers and staff serving in our public schools, that they may find opportunities to freely share their faith.
  • Double down on your commitment to Christian education for your own family.
  • Talk about your concern for the new health education standards with your friends. Make sure that they are aware of the educational standards being proposed for every public school in Nebraska.
  • The Nebraska Department of Education is seeking feedback about these standards. Please take some time to fill out the NDE online survey and speak up for all Nebraska kids!
  • Watch for local Health Education Standards.

As The Rock enters the final quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, financial support for the ministry has been strong enough thus far to meet the budget needs and also address some maintenance projects that have arisen.  Since the end of January, weekly contributions have softened and are still trending downward as we enter the spring and summer, typically times when contributions are lower.  While trusting in the Lord’s provision, leaders at The Rock will be keeping a close eye on both expenses and contributions during April, May and June.  As always, we are thankful for both your generosity and your stewardship of all God has provided. Learn more about ways you can give, online or in person, at

THANK YOU FOREVER FAMILY for your support of the Egg Fundraiser and Easter Breakfast!   We are blessed with a wonderful church family!

Attention high school students who are part of the classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, AND 2025! If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston in 2022, please contact Jen Axt (308) 631-7065 by text or phone, [email protected] by email, or join The Rock LCMS Youth Gathering Facebook page.  You can also join the Remind group @therocklcm.

Fundraising efforts are underway for this exciting, fun, Christ-centered gathering of youth from all over the country!  

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in learning how to manage the audio-visual, livestream, and lighting console on Sunday mornings. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Contact Pastor Mike, Tim Moll, or Shane Sloup. 

Our April item for the Blue Valley food pantry is paper towels. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.

View The Rock’s service each week from home! We will continue to provide viewing options on Facebook and YouTube for those who need to or prefer to worship from home at this time. We’re so glad  you join us for worship in whatever way you do, and we look forward to being together again as a Forever Family!

Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative Candlelight YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and YogaFaith Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings at 8:00-8:45 a.m.  Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

The Seward City Council repealed the ordinance that required masks to be worn in all public buildings, including places of worship.   As a result, our mask policy at YogaFaith-Seward has also changed. Please feel free to wear your mask if you would like to, but masks are not required to enter The Rock or to practice Yoga at YogaFaith-Seward.  Class size will no longer be limited to 6 students per class and we are no longer requiring that you sign up in advance for the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday classes. 

However, we will limit Restorative YogaFaith classes to 8 students per class because of the limited number of props that we have available. Please continue to use Sign Up Genius for that class only. We will still be offering online classes for people that want to take our YogaFaith classes at home!

Please click on this link to sign up for a class. If you would like to take the class online please email Sara at [email protected] and she will give you instructions! 

If you have any questions about The Rock, need information about our events, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected].  Also, if you have a prayer request to submit during the week (or anytime) send it to [email protected]. Our prayer warriors will receive these, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer.