Rock News

The Immanuel (Middle Creek) Lutheran Soup Supper is back!  Join us Sunday, October 10 from 4:00 – 8:00.  A free will donation gets you soup, a sandwich, a slice of pie, and a drink.  We will throw in the amazing fellowship for free!  Hand crafted items and baked goods will be available for purchase.  7 miles east of Seward on Highway 34.  You won’t want to miss this kick-off to the fall season.

The GivePlus app is being phased out, but not until the end of the year. We still encourage you to consider setting up giving on the Vanco website–your login information from the app should also work on the website. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history. Ask Kim Myers or Wayne Bruns for details.

Click here to visit The Rock’s Vanco giving website for one-time and recurring donations. The Rock’s Mission Fund covers our day-to-day mission and ministry expenses.  Special projects is the place to make your additional gifts to help with expenses like our building fund, outreach fund, children’s ministry, Comfort Dog ministry, etc. Contact [email protected] for more information.

The Rock has the opportunity to reschedule our Guatemala Mission trip for Thanksgiving week. If you have a current passport AND love kids OR speak Spanish OR have musical talent OR can mentor teenage boys AND want to go to Guatemala over Thanksgiving, please contact Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ASAP.

Building Fund Gifts: Total expenses for The Rock’s building improvements and recent outdoor sign and shed additions are in the $20,000 range.  In you are moved to consider an additional gift to cover some of these expenses, please designate your gift to “Building Fund” by including a note or writing on the memo line of your check.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our October item for the Blue Valley food pantry is rice. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

We have a lot of news this week!

Join us for an Italian Food Potluck, September 19: Join us for an Italian-themed forever family lunch after the service. Bring your favorite Italian dish to share. Breadsticks, caesar salad, dessert, drinks, and tableware provided. 

Stepping Stones and FaithInk to start again tomorrow night. Learn more and sign your kids up on our website: Stepping Stones for children ages 3 to grade 4 / FaithInk confirmation class for grades 5 to 8 / Godparents groups for grades 9-12.

If anyone would like more information on potentially helping with Stepping Stones, email [email protected] for more information. Stepping Stones isn’t just run by teachers–classroom helpers would be a huge help and blessing to our teachers!

Stepping Stones is also looking for donations for supplies. We are currently in need of new crayons, washable markers, glue sticks, and play-doh. A donation box is located in the café. You can also make monetary donations for our supply needs and future projects. (Include a note with your donation that says “stepping stones” so we know where to designate it.) On behalf of Stepping Stones we appreciate the generosity and thank you in advance for your support!

As we mentioned on Sunday, the GivePlus app is being phased out. Instead, please consider setting up giving on the Vanco website. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history.

Click here to visit The Rock’s Vanco giving website for one-time and recurring donations. The Rock’s Mission Fund covers our day-to-day mission and ministry expenses.  Special projects is the place to make your additional gifts to help with expenses like our building fund, outreach fund, children’s ministry, Comfort Dog ministry, etc. Contact [email protected] for more information.

The Rock has the opportunity to reschedule our Guatemala Mission trip for Thanksgiving week. If you have a current passport AND love kids OR speak Spanish OR have musical talent OR can mental teenage boys AND want to got to Guatemala over Thanksgiving, please contact Pastor Mike or Jen Janousek ASAP.

BVCA move-in date: Blue Valley Community Action has already started moving items into their space at The Rock.  An official “Open for Business” date will depend on the installation date for new door locks and is currently planned for September 20th or shortly thereafter.

Building Keys: Locks for The Rock’s facility will be changing in the next week.  If you currently have a building key, please inform Pastor Mike ([email protected]) so we can begin planning for distribution of new keys. 

The Rock outdoor sign: The large sign that will soon welcome those entering the south doors of The Rock is on the premises but still awaiting installation.  Anticipated installation is before the end of the month, but hopefully sooner.

Building Fund Gifts: Total expenses for The Rock’s building improvements and recent outdoor sign and shed additions are in the $20,000 range.  In you are moved to consider an additional gift to cover some of these expenses, please designate your gift to “Building Fund” by including a note or writing on the memo line of your check.

The LifeLight music festival is happening in Hastings, NE on Sunday September 19th at Chautaugua Park from 4 – 9PM. Joining will be artists Cain, Rhett Walker, Remedy Drive, Cade Thompson and Josh Gilbert. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our September item for the Blue Valley food pantry is boxed meals. (Mac and cheese, hamburger helper, etc.) The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Upcoming Events at The Rock:


Stepping Stones & FaithInk Kickoff Picnic in the Park: September 8 (details below)

Voters’ Meeting, September 12: Please stay after the service to vote on the ministry plan. (Access a draft of the ministry plan at this link.)

Italian Food Potluck, September 19: Join us for an Italian-themed forever family lunch after the service. Bring your favorite Italian dish to share. Breadsticks, caesar salad, dessert, drinks, and tableware provided. 

It’s almost time for Stepping Stones and FaithInk to start again. As always, we’ll kick off the season with a potluck picnic in the park. Join us September 8 at 6:30 at Plum Creek park at the tennis court picnic shelter. Instruction starts the following Wednesday, September 15. Learn more and sign your kids up on our website: Stepping Stones for children ages 3 to grade 4 / FaithInk confirmation class for grades 5 to 8 / Godparents groups for grades 9-12.

If anyone would like more information on potentially helping with Stepping Stones, email [email protected] for more information. Stepping Stones isn’t just run by teachers–classroom helpers would be a huge help and blessing to our teachers!

Stepping Stones is also looking for donations for supplies. We are currently in need of new crayons, washable markers, glue sticks, and play-doh. A donation box is located in the café. You can also make monetary donations for our supply needs and future projects. (Include a note with your donation that says “stepping stones” so we know where to designate it.) On behalf of Stepping Stones we appreciate the generosity and thank you in advance for your support!

Saved to Serve: Directors of The Rock approved the annual Ministry Plan on Tuesday, August 24.  The 2021-22 plan is now available for your review and comment. (Access a draft of the ministry plan at this link.) It will be presented for congregational approval on Sunday, September 12 after the 10 a.m. worship gathering.  Comments are welcome, either via email ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting, or in-person during the meeting on September 12. 

Our September item for the Blue Valley food pantry is boxed meals. (Mac and cheese, hamburger helper, etc.) The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.


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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

It’s almost time for Stepping Stones and FaithInk to start again. As always, we’ll kick off the season with a potluck picnic in the park. Join us September 8 at 6:30 at Plum Creek park at the tennis court picnic shelter. Instruction starts the following Wednesday, September 15. Learn more and sign your kids up on our website: Stepping Stones for children ages 3 to grade 4 / FaithInk confirmation class for grades 5 to 8 / Godparents groups for grades 9-12.

If anyone would like more information on potentially helping with Stepping Stones, email [email protected] for more information. Stepping Stones isn’t just run by teachers–classroom helpers would be a huge help and blessing to our teachers!

Stepping Stones is also looking for donations for supplies. We are currently in need of new crayons, washable markers, glue sticks, and play-doh. A donation box is located in the café. You can also make monetary donations for our supply needs and future projects. (Include a note with your donation that says “stepping stones” so we know where to designate it.) On behalf of Stepping Stones we appreciate the generosity and thank you in advance for your support!

You are invited to join Trail Life & American Heritage Girls tomorrow, Sunday, Aug. 29, at 4 pm at the Seward Pond at the Fairgrounds. There will be fun, fishing and  food.  They are a Christian Outdoor Adventure group for ages 5-17. Contact Troopmaster Rick Backhus 402-641-7531 or Rebecca Mau 402-363-1824 with any questions.  Hope to see you there!

Nicodemus Comfort Dog will be at the Seward Public Library Sunday August 29 from 2-3 p.m. Nico and his Team have been invited to do the library’s monthly presentation for the public. The Team will be explaining what, how, when, where Nico deploys to service locally as well as out of state. Come, get a pet and a book all at the same place. 

Part of the mission statement of The Rock is to support “Mission Beyond Borders.” You can visit our website to learn about some of the missionaries and projects we support in order to help fulfill that mission. Read the Hutton family’s (Costa Rica) latest newsletter at this link. Read Ashley Johnson’s (Cambodia) latest newsletter at this link. Each of their newsletters has links to giving portals so you can support them financially. 

Camp Luther Fall Women’s Retreat: Lean on Jesus  Where will you lean when you’re weak? weary? seeking strength? Who will you turn to when you don’t understand? How can you lean upon the Lord? Let’s learn to surrender our situations to our Savior, relinquish our control to His, and rest in His arms. From this posture, we’re reminded that we receive all we need as we Lean on Jesus. As we trust Him with all our heart. (Proverbs 3:5) Join guest speaker, Elizabeth Bruick of Cleveland, OH, who joins retreat leader, Deb Burma, and worship leader, Nicole Ripke, for this special weekend getaway. Enjoy camp’s fabulous breakfast and lunch, camp activities, crafts, personal retreat time, and more. Registration Deadline: October 29th. Cost: $75. Register now at: 

“Signs” of Progress: Those arriving for the Sunday worship gathering will see new signs for The Rock and Blue Valley Community Action near the south entrance. The signs are scheduled for installation on Friday, August 27th.  Also, a new storage shed is in place in the southwest corner of the parking lot.  In the space being renovated for occupancy for BVCA on the lower level, flooring has been installed and the project is nearing completion.

Saved to Serve: Directors of The Rock approved the annual Ministry Plan on Tuesday, August 24.  The 2021-22 plan is now available for your review and comment.  It will be presented for congregational approval on Sunday, September 12 after the 10 AM worship gathering.  Comments are welcome, either via email ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting, or in-person during the meeting on September 12.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website


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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering. There will be a brief youth parents meeting after church service on August 22nd.  We will go over timelines, plans, fundraising for the Gathering. Parents and youth please plan to attend.

You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.

It’s almost time for Stepping Stones and FaithInk to start again. As always, we’ll kick off the season with a potluck picnic in the park. Join us September 8 at 6:30 at Plum Creek park at the tennis court picnic shelter. Instruction starts the following Wednesday, September 15. Learn more and sign your kids up on our website: Stepping Stones for children ages 3 to grade 4 / FaithInk confirmation class for grades 5 to 8 / Godparents groups for grades 9-12.

If anyone would like more information on potentially helping with Stepping Stones, email [email protected] for more information. Stepping Stones isn’t just run by teachers–classroom helpers would be a huge help and blessing to our teachers!

Stepping Stones is also looking for donations for supplies. We are currently in need of new crayons, washable markers, glue sticks, and play-doh. A donation box is located in the café. You can also make monetary donations for our supply needs and future projects. (Include a note with your donation that says “stepping stones” so we know where to designate it.) On behalf of Stepping Stones we appreciate the generosity and thank you in advance for your support!

Camp Luther Fall Women’s Retreat: Lean on Jesus  Where will you lean when you’re weak? weary? seeking strength? Who will you turn to when you don’t understand? How can you lean upon the Lord? Let’s learn to surrender our situations to our Savior, relinquish our control to His, and rest in His arms. From this posture, we’re reminded that we receive all we need as we Lean on Jesus. As we trust Him with all our heart. (Proverbs 3:5) Join guest speaker, Elizabeth Bruick of Cleveland, OH, who joins retreat leader, Deb Burma, and worship leader, Nicole Ripke, for this special weekend getaway. Enjoy camp’s fabulous breakfast and lunch, camp activities, crafts, personal retreat time, and more. Registration Deadline: October 29th. Cost: $75. Register now at: 

Nicodemus Comfort Dog will be at the Seward Public Library Sunday August 29 from 2-3 p.m. Nico and his Team have been invited to do the library’s monthly presentation for the public. The Team will be explaining what, how, when, where Nico deploys to service locally as well as out of state. Come, get a pet and a book all at the same place. 

Blue Valley Community Action: Renovation in the lower level of The Rock is nearly complete and BVCA could move in as early as the end of this month.  Stand by for an invitation to help with final clean-up and move-in.

Ministry Plan Approval: The Rock’s annual Ministry Plan for 2021-22, the document that directs The Rock’s activities, was not approved at the July voters meeting to allow additional time for collection and recording your responses to “Saved to Serve” surveys.  The updated Ministry Plan draft will be shared with the congregation at least one week prior to an approval vote to allow for your feedback.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

News from our leadership:

Signs are coming!  Signage for The Rock’s south entrance and a BVCA sign to be placed over the secondary south “elevator entrance” are being built.  Installation is not yet scheduled, but could be as early as August 20.

Storage shed:  A storage shed kit for The Rock’s mowers, snow blower/shovels and other landscape tools has been delivered and will be erected by the end of August.

Blue Valley Community Action: Renovation in the lower level of The Rock is nearly complete and BVCA could move in as early as the end of this month.  Stand by for an invitation to help with final clean-up and move-in.

Ministry Plan Approval: The Rock’s annual Ministry Plan for 2021-22, the document that directs The Rock’s activities, was not approved at the July voters meeting to allow additional time for collection and recording your responses to “Saved to Serve” surveys.  The updated Ministry Plan draft will be shared with the congregation at least one week prior to an approval vote to allow for your feedback.

A few strong hands needed for a few short minutes: After worship on Sunday, August 15, we’ll be moving the nativity stable from the corner of the parking lot to allow construction of The Rock’s new storage shed.  The shed will be erected beginning Monday, August 16.

It’s almost time for Stepping Stones and FaithInk to start again. As always, we’ll kick off the season with a potluck picnic in the park. Join us September 8 at 6:30 at Plum Creek park at the tennis court picnic shelter. Instruction starts the following Wednesday, September 15. Learn more and sign your kids up on our website: Stepping Stones for children ages 3 to grade 4 / FaithInk confirmation class for grades 5 to 8 / Godparents groups for grades 9-12.

If anyone would like more information on potentially helping with Stepping Stones, email [email protected] for more information. Stepping Stones isn’t just run by teachers–classroom helpers would be a huge help and blessing to our teachers!

Thank you for your kindness in signing up to help a family in need! We were given the opportunity to bless a local family that is going through hardship with a member of their family on hospice. To ease a little stress, The Rock set up a meal train for them, and those dates are now filled. Thank you for helping bless this family. If you have gift cards or cash contributions for this family, you can bring those to church on Sunday or drop them off at the Sparetime with a note that they are for the family the Rock is helping. 

Nicodemus Comfort Dog will be at the Seward Public Library Sunday August 29 from 2-3 p.m. Nico and his Team have been invited to do the library’s monthly presentation for the public. The Team will be explaining what, how, when, where Nico deploys to service locally as well as out of state. Come, get a pet and a book all at the same place. 

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering. Thanks to all who have supported the youth this month by purchasing dinner at the farmer’s market. There will be a brief youth parents meeting after church service on August 22nd.  We will go over timelines, plans, fundraising. 

You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. Feel free to bring in any canned meat you still have from July. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News: wear green this Sunday!

Wear green as we wrap up Christmas in July at The Rock! We took the month of July to remind ourselves of God’s great gifts to us. You can listen to a playlist of some of our worship band’s favorite Christmas songs at this link. To really get into the feeling of the Christmas season, we’d like to have everyone wear green clothing to the service on Sunday, August 1 as we wrap up the series. If you’re watching online, dress up anyway and send us a picture! Remember that you can always catch up with our services on  Facebook and YouTube if you’re away or prefer to join from home.

As part of our Christmas in July celebration, we are having a special Christmas Giving Project. On Sunday, August 1 we will take a door offering to support Blue Valley Community Action’s work with those in need. If you’ll be out of town, you can mail a check to us for that project. 

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering. The Rock youth will be running the burger stand at the Seward Farmers’ Market  again on August 4!  Burger or polish dog + chips + drink for $5.00.  Give the family cook the night off and come out and support the youth group as they raise funds to attend the 2022 LCMS National Youth Gathering in Houston! Thanks to all who have supported the youth this month.

There will be a brief youth parents meeting after church service on August 22nd.  We will go over timelines, plans, fundraising. 

You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.

The St. John Lutheran Women’s Missionary League invites the women of The Rock to their annual salad supper on Tuesday, August 3 at 6:30. The speaker will be Rev. John Mehl, who will speak about his work with Mission of Christ Network. The salads will be provided by the LWML ladies. (Masks are not required, but are welcome if you prefer. Their fellowship hall is often cool, so you may want a sweater or light jacket.)

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our August item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned fruit. Feel free to bring in any canned meat you still have from July. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

It’s Christmas in July at The Rock! We’re taking this month to remind ourselves of God’s great gifts to us. You can listen to a playlist of some of our worship band’s favorite Christmas songs at this link. To really get into the feeling of the Christmas season, we’d like to have everyone wear red clothing to the service on Sunday, July 25, and then green to the service on Sunday, August 1. If you’re watching online, dress up anyway and send us a picture! Remember that you can always catch up with our services on  Facebook and YouTube if you’re away or prefer to join from home.

July 18 Congregational Meeting Summary

  • The Rock’s voting membership voted to appoint leaders who will serve the congregation for a two-year term ending June 30, 2023.  In each case, the candidate is already serving in their current role and has agreed to continue.
    • Ambassador: Tom Briggs
    • Directors: Tim Moll, Vice President; Wayne Bruns, Treasurer; Jeremy Hogue, at-large Director
  • Resolutions were presented and passed approving the following:
    • a balanced operating budget for the next fiscal year, and
    • authority of Directors to spend up to $13,000 from The Rock’s facility fund to purchase a heating/AC unit for the area soon to be occupied by BVCA.
  • Approval of The Rock’s 2021-22 Annual Ministry Plan was postponed until August to allow for compilation of feedback from the “Saved to Serve” questionnaires.

Blue Valley Construction Update: Work is well underway in preparing for an August move-in date for Blue Valley Community Action Partnership.  A painting party with representation from BVCA  and The Rock will be arranged for early/mid August.  Please join in and help make this space a blessing to all who utilize it!

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 28 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. Get a burger or brat, a bag of chips, and a soda for just $5. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

The St. John Lutheran Women’s Missionary League invites the women of The Rock to their annual salad supper on Tuesday, August 3 at 6:30. The speaker will be Rev. John Mehl, who will speak about his work with Mission of Christ Network. The salads will be provided by the LWML ladies. (Masks are not required, but are welcome if you prefer. Their fellowship hall is often cool, so you may want a sweater or light jacket.)

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  We will be offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows:  Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join us once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  We recommend it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in our monthly unlimited class pass. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our July item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned meat (but keep your donations of tuna for December). We will start collecting canned fruit in August. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Giving while at home |

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Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

Rock News

The Rock’s Annual Congregation Meeting:  This coming Sunday, July 18, The Rock will hold our annual meeting following Sunday’s worship gathering.  The three agenda items include 1) an update on the current budget and adoption of a new budget for the coming fiscal year; 2) election of leadership candidates for both the Ambassadors and Directors; and 3) approval of the 2022 Saved to Serve ministry plan.  If you are wondering if you’re a voting member, please see Scott Seevers after church or send an email to [email protected].  You are still invited to attend the meeting regardless of your voting status.

It’s Christmas in July at The Rock! For the next 3 weeks we’ll be contemplating God’s great gifts to us. You can listen to a playlist of some of our worship band’s favorite Christmas songs at this link. To really get into the feeling of the Christmas season, we’d like to have everyone wear red clothing to the service on Sunday, July 25, and then green to the service on Sunday, August 1. If you’re watching online, dress up anyway and send us a picture! Remember that you can always catch up with our services on  Facebook and YouTube if you’re away or prefer to join from home.

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 21 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

Leadership Opportunities: Have you considered how your skills, experiences and heart may help The Rock’s leadership team?  We have a genuine existing need, and you’re invited to prayerfully consider serving the Lord in this way.  Ambassadors serve the spiritual needs of the congregation and its pastor, including worship.  Directors lead the administrative elements of The Rock’s mission.  Reach out to Rich Boring ([email protected]) if you’d consider serving as an Ambassador; email Scott Seevers ([email protected]) if you’re drawn to serving as a Director—they’ll provide more details to inform your decision.

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership: BVCA’s board accepted a construction bid for the project at The Rock and work will begin soon.  Not included in the bid was painting of the rooms or removal of the remaining lockers from the facility.  Stand by for an announcement of a joint BVCA/The Rock service work day to tackle these items.

Let’s keep in contact! Our leadership team is updating our records of everyone’s contact information. This helps us keep track of who is related to whom and how we can best contact you. Fill in our form at to help us with our record keeping. 

The St. John Lutheran Women’s Missionary League invites the women of The Rock to their annual salad supper on Tuesday, August 3 at 6:30. The speaker will be Rev. John Mehl, who will speak about his work with Mission of Christ Network. The salads will be provided by the LWML ladies. (Masks are not required, but are welcome if you prefer. Their fellowship hall is often cool, so you may want a sweater or light jacket.)

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  

We will be offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows:  Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join us once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  We recommend it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in our monthly unlimited class pass.

Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our July item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned meat (but keep your donations of tuna for December). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

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Giving while at home |

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


Rock News

Here is the final set of information and forms for the conclusion of our Saved to Serve series. We would love your input as we prepare for the upcoming year.   

  1. A listing of the current opportunities to serve as the Rock along with a list of current and proposed learning/fellowship opportunities is linked here.
  2. An assignment for you to do on your own taking time to review and pray about where and how God is calling you closer to Him and calling you to serve is linked here.
  3. A response form to provide us with information is linked here. Let us know how you would like to serve.  It can be a filling a present role at the Rock, serving a new role at the Rock or serving in a way that doesn’t involve the Rock at all!  Also, let us know what kind of learning/fellowship opportunities you are interested in.  You can print off the attached sheet and drop it off at the Rock or you can complete it and email the complete form to [email protected]

A new women’s Bible study will start next week! Starting July 13, Lori Moravec and Jennifer Janousek will be leading a study using the book “Joy: A Study of Philippians” by Deb Burma, and the study will meet at the Janousek’s home on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. until the study concludes on August 31. Contact Lori at [email protected] or Jennifer at [email protected] with questions or for more information. Anyone interested in attending should purchase the book at this link.

The Rock Annual Congregation Meeting:  Mark July 18 on your calendar, the date of The Rock’s annual meeting following Sunday’s worship gathering.  The three agenda items include 1) an update on the current budget and adoption of a new budget for the coming fiscal year; 2) election of a leadership candidates for both the Ambassadors and Directors; and 3) approval of the 2022 Saved to Serve ministry plan.  If you are wondering if you’re a voting member, please see Scott Seevers after church or send an email to [email protected].  You are still invited to attend the meeting regardless of your voting status.

Leadership Opportunities: Have you considered how your skills, experiences and heart may help The Rock’s leadership team?  We have a genuine existing need, and you’re invited to prayerfully consider serving the Lord in this way.  Ambassadors serve the spiritual needs of the congregation and its pastor, including worship.  Directors lead the administrative elements of The Rock’s mission.  Reach out to Rich Boring ([email protected]) if you’d consider serving as an Ambassador; email Scott Seevers ([email protected]) if you’re drawn to serving as a Director—they’ll provide more details to inform your decision.

Financial Matters: 

  • The Rock’s fiscal year will draw to a close on June 30.  With a strong finish in June, the congregation will finish the fiscal year in stable financial condition.
  • The Directors authorized expenditure of building funds for two significant purchases, including a new heating unit for the lower level SE classroom ($4,500) and a lighted 132” sign for The Rock’s main entrance ($4,225).

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership: BVCA’s board accepted a construction bid for the project at The Rock and work will begin soon.  Not included in the bid was painting of the rooms or removal of the remaining lockers from the facility.  Stand by for an announcement of a joint BVCA/The Rock service work day to tackle these items.

How is it going? We are saved to serve! As we seek God’s guidance for The Rock in the upcoming weeks and months, we would love to hear how you are doing. If you were at in-person worship this morning and picked up a paper copy of the questions, or if you want to print the form (linked in the comments), you can turn in your responses on paper in the Rock café. If you would rather submit your responses electronically, please complete the online survey at the link below. There are only three questions to complete. We will be gathering responses from now until June 20.  Pastor and The Rock leaders will use the information to help make plans for the new fiscal year of The Rock, which begins on July 1. Thank you! 

Let’s keep in contact! Our leadership team is updating our records of everyone’s contact information. This helps us keep track of who is related to whom and how we can best contact you. Fill in our form at to help us with our record keeping. 

The St. John Lutheran Women’s Missionary League invites the women of The Rock to their annual salad supper on Tuesday, August 3 at 6:30. The speaker will be Rev. John Mehl, who will speak about his work with Mission of Christ Network. The salads will be provided by the LWML ladies. (Masks are not required, but are welcome if you prefer. Their fellowship hall is often cool, so you may want a sweater or light jacket.)

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith – Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm, Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 pm and Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.  

We will be offering a 15-minute YogaFaith stretch class starting June 14. The class information is as follows:  Sonrise YogaFaith is a 15-minute yoga class focused on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Join us once a week or repeat the session every morning (you set your own schedule). A new class will be available every Monday morning (Sara and Erika will take turns) and can be used anytime for the entire week.  We recommend it for use first thing in the morning, but when you do it is up to you! The cost for access to the class for the week is $8.00 (or $7.00 if you use your 5-class pass) and it is included in our monthly unlimited class pass.

Please see our Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Help support our teens and leaders headed to next year’s National Youth Gathering! Our teens will be running the hamburger stand at the Wednesday Seward Farmers’ markets on July 21 and August 4. It’s a great way to get a quick and easy dinner and to support our youth. (You can make a donation to their travel fund at any time in the year to come. Just mark your donation as “youth gathering fund” and the money will be added to the group’s account.)

Our July item for the Blue Valley food pantry is canned meat (but keep your donations of tuna for December). The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website.

Our Website |

Giving while at home |

YouTube |

Facebook | 

Contact Us | [email protected]

Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.