Dear Friends:
It’s another game day! Here’s your Rock news for the week:
THIS SUNDAY: Please plan to join us at 10:00 a.m. at the Lied Senior Center this Sunday for Week 2 of Game Day. Last week we looked at the discipline of regular prayer – the huddle with God we all need to play the game. This week we’ll look at the spiritual discipline of fasting. What exactly is fasting and what does it have to do with game day? I don’t know but we’ll all find out!
BIBLE STUDY ON SUNDAY: Everyone is welcome to do some bible study before our gathering each Sunday. Come to the Lied Senior Center a little early (at 8:45 a.m.) to participate in an ongoing video-based discussion called, “The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.”
CRUISE IN CAR SHOW THIS SUNDAY AND SEPT. 26! Head up to Ridgewood (just north of Seward High) THIS SUNDAY from 1pm to 6pm to see all kinds of cool cars that will be cruising into Seward. Your $10 donation will go to support the Kiwanis backpack program. Also, plan to attend another car show at Sparetime in Seward on Saturday, September 26 from 4pm to 9pm. Proceeds from this event will support Seward County CASA. Bring the whole family for food and activities and great cars.
LAST CHANCE FOR CHAIRS! Just a few more chairs to go to hit 300! Get your donations in by September 20 to help complete the Chair-It-Able campaign and give everyone a firm place to sit.
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING! The LCMS National Youth Gathering is next summary (July 16-20) in New Orleans. A group of high schoolers from the Rock will be attending. If you would like to be part of the group, decision time is coming. We will be asking youth and leaders to make a commitment to go by September 20. For more information click here ( and see Pastor Mike.
DOUBLE WORK NIGHT THIS WEEK! There is a bonus work night this week! Please come help with work at the new Rock (237 S. 3rd ) this Tuesday and/orthis Wednesday from 5pm to 8pm or so. We need people to do cleaning and lots of other things as we get closer and closer to completion.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES CRANK UP THIS WEDNESDAY! Stepping Stones (Age 3 through 4th grade), Faith Inkubators (5th through 8th grade), and Godparents (high schoolers) are all meeting this Wednesday evening. Stepping Stones and Faith Inkubators are meeting at Concordia for the first few weeks in the Thom Leadership Education Center (TLEC) from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Faith Ink is also meeting there from 6:15pm to 7:40pm. Godparent leaders are contacting their groups with time and place details. If you are interested in getting connected to a Godparent group, see Pastor Mike or respond to this email. For more information on all these, check out the web site (
BRING YOUR TOYS! Stepping Stones is looking for building toys. If you are willing to donate new or gently used items such as building blocks, tinker toys, KNEX, Duplos, Legos, tools, interlocking gear sets, connecting tube toys, and other building toys for age 3-grade 4, please bring those items to The ROCKon Sunday mornings between now and September 27.
BLUE VALLEY PANTRY: Buy a meal in a box (Hamburger Helper for example) and drop it off at the Rock any Sunday this month.
Blessings on your weekend.