Rock News

Christmas Events:

We’ve started our Advent series: Awkward Christmas. We’re collecting your favorite awkward family Christmas photographs. Share them with us by email between now and January 1 by sending them to [email protected]

On Sunday, December 12, The Rock will host a Forever Family Reunion meal after worship.  It will be Christmas turkey dinner and all the fixings to go along with it.  The congregation is encouraged to bring Christmas cookies to share with everyone as a dessert.   

Our Christmas Eve gathering will be at 5:30pm and will include candles and singing.  There is no worship gathering on Christmas Day.  Our normal gathering / time will occur on the Sundays of December 26 & January 2.

Ministry Plan Focus Areas:  Directors and Ambassadors have elevated four 2021-22 Ministry Plan initiatives for focused action planning and progress.  Key initiatives include the following: 1) facilitating four active Huddle Groups; 2) hosting bridge events to connect The Rock with our community; 3) identifying and supporting passionate leaders for HS youth; and 4) exploring additional ministry opportunities through the BVCA partnership.  Even as these four areas receive priority attention, rest assured the entire ministry plan will guide the efforts of The Rock.  You can bless God’s work in this place by participating on one of the working groups—contact [email protected] to learn more.

Replenishing the Building Fund: This year, The Rock has invested over $28,000 on facility-related initiatives for maintenance and improvements, including the Blue Valley partnership building renovation and needed enhancements to the facility and grounds.  Thanks be to God, over $19,000 has been contributed to make these improvements.  Nonetheless, The Rock’s building fund, now hovering at about $20,000, needs a boost of $15,000 to restore it to previous levels and fund 2021-22 initiatives.  If you are in a position to make an additional gift to the Building Fund this year, large or small, it will bless The Rock’s ministry.

 New snow blower in search of service-minded humans:  We have a new, powerful snow blower to clear sidewalks this winter (as well as a smaller unit)!  We are in need of volunteers to serve on a side-walk clearing crew.  Weekend (for Sundays) and week-day slots are open.  Even if you can only help on occasion, please contact [email protected] to discuss how you can help.

The Monday night women’s Bible Study group (led by Andrea Sloup and Sara Moll) will be starting a new study in January and you are invited! Beginning on January 10, 2022, we will meet on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm in Room 217 at the Rock. We will be doing the following study:  “Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Bible,” by Shannon Popkin. Women of all ages are welcome! The study is designed to be 6 weeks long but it might take longer than 6 weeks depending on whether we need to take extra time on any of the material. Text Sara Moll (402-641-4200) or Andrea Sloup (402-641-7221) if you would like to join the group or if you have any questions. The books cost $9.50 and are available to purchase at The Rock. 

YogaFaith News:  Join Erika Rolf (RYT-200) or Sara Moll (RYT-200) for Christian YogaFaith classes at The Rock!  

Calling all CUNE students!  We are teaching at Janzow Campus Center. If you are a Concordia College student we are excited to invite you and your friends to our new on campus class!  Tuesday Tune Up with YogaFaith-Seward will take place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Cattle Conference Room in Janzow.  Join Sara Moll (RYT-200) and Erika Rolf (RYT-200) for a Christian Yoga class focused on stretching, strengthening and meditating on God’s Word.  Class starts at 3:45 and ends at 4:30 pm.  Class size is limited to 15.  Everyone is welcome – just bring a mat (if you don’t have one we will have some extras).  ONLY 1 CLASS in November.  Erika will teach a class on Nov. 9th.  This class will be a “free will donation” class.

Class offerings are as follows:  All Level YogaFaith is on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m.; Restorative YogaFaith every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m.; Flow and Go is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 8:00-8:45 a.m.;  and a 15-minute Sonrise YogaFaith class focuses on stretching, prayer and God’s word. Please see their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

Our December item for the Blue Valley food pantry is tuna. The collection box is in the Rock Cafe. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website

Blue Valley is also collecting gently used men’s, women’s, and children’s winter coats, gloves, and shoes. The collection box is in the cafe near the food collection box.

They’re also always in need of people to help sort donations during the week. 

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Prayer Requests | [email protected]

Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors, as well as Pastor Mike Meyer. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.


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