Rock News: Challenges and Resources

Kingdom Challenges/Resources


In the message time these last two Sundays, Pastor Mike challenged all of us to take action to spread the Kingdom of God (his redemptive presence) to our community.  Here’s a reminder and more information on how you can be part of it.    


Last week, we focused on Jesus’ teaching and how He revealed the Kingdom of God to us by being with us and showing us how to overcome the obstacles we face.  Pastor Mike asked us to send a note or email of encouragement to someone who helped teach us about Jesus. A sample you can use is attached or draft your own.  There’s still plenty of time to spread a little hope and encouragement.


This week, we focused on Jesus’ feeding the 5,000 and how all our needs are provided for in the Kingdom of God.  Pastor Mike challenged us to spread God’s provision with someone who needs help. What can you do? Here are some suggestions:  buy gift cards and give them to someone who needs help because they are out of work or have health concerns; deliver groceries or other necessities to someone who can’t get out; make gifts of food or money to the Blue Valley Pantry in Seward; make a gift to Orphan Grain Train ( or People’s City Mission ( or one of the many other organizations who provide food and other provisions for those in need. 


Last, don’t forget to pray this Toilet Paper Prayer each time you have reason to come in contact with some toilet paper: “Gracious God, you provide everything for me, right down to this toilet paper.  Fill me with your peace and help me trust in you for all things. In Jesus name, Amen.” Maybe you could print it out and put in those places you are most likely to encounter toilet paper!  



Blessings on your week.


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