Rock News – Special Update


As we announced at church this morning, the date is set!  Our first worship gathering at the new Rock (237 S. Third Street) will be Sunday, October 25 at 10:00 a.m.!!  Here’s what you need to know:

We’ll meet next Sunday (October 18) at 10:00 am at the Lied Senior Center for one last time.

We’ll have our first Sunday gathering at the new Rock (3rd level) on Sunday, October 25 beginning at 10:00 a.m.

The next few Sundays will be kind of messy.  We’ll be getting things moved and finished and cleaned and figuring out how everything works in the new space and learning all the little things we still need to make Sundays go smoothly.  Also, parking won’t be convenient right away.  We are still working on the timeline for acquisition and completion of the parking lot and drive way that will be directly south of the building.  Please pray for God’s blessing and guidance on the whole process and keep an eye out for how God will be at work in this season of extra messiness.

We’re planning a celebration gathering to dedicate the new space.  It will be a time for the Rock family to celebrate and give thanks along with our community.  Watch for scheduling and details soon.  This would be a great opportunity to invite someone you know to the Rock.

Stepping Stones and Faith Inkubators is already meeting at the new Rock and will do so again this Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Pastor Mike will be moving into his office at the new Rock soon.  Watch for news soon about new phone numbers and contact information for the Rock.

Please spread the word so everyone knows not to head to the Lied Senior Center after October 25.

Blessings on your week.

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