Rock News

Here’s your Rock news which is late for last week and early for this week:

THIS SUNDAY:  We’ve completed the Game Day series on spiritual disciplines, but just because the series is over, don’t forget about prayer, fasting, silence and service.  Keep working to make these a part of your daily life – not to earn brownie points, but to build your relationship with Him.  This Sunday we’ll revisit a series called iBelieve.  It will be a time to review how God touches us with the gift of the sacraments (Baptism and Communion).  Join us at 10:00 am at the Lied Senior Center.

STAY FOR LUNCH THIS SUNDAY!  Plan to stay for lunch this Sunday.  There will be a baked potato bar set up right after our morning gathering.  You can eat some awesome potatoes and support the Comfort Dog Ministry at the Rock at the same time!  The Rock’s application for a comfort dog has been accepted.  Your donation will help pay the costs of acquiring the dog and help us move forward.  Want to know more about what a comfort dog does?  Click here: and go to the K-9 Ministry link.  Or, click here to check out Moses the comfort dog’s facebook page:

FAITH INK & STEPPING STONES AT THE NEW ROCK!!  Stepping Stones and Faith Inkubators will be meeting tomorrow at the new Rock (237 S. 3rd Street) on the 3rd level.  Woo hoo!

UPDATE ON THE NEW ROCK:   First, work night at the new Rock was tonight instead of Wednesday night this week.  Second, we have been granted temporary occupancy to begin using the new Rock while a few remaining items are finished up to meet code requirements.  Faith Ink and Stepping Stones will be the first groups to use the new space tomorrow night and Pastor Mike will have an office their soon.  Third, we’ll be ready to announce a schedule for our first worship in the new space and other related events soon.  Fourth, be watching soon for more information on how you can help and celebrate.  It’s going to be a fun and messy time as we figure out how everything works in the new space.

NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING MEETING THIS SUNDAY!  If you are interested in attending the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer, please plan to meet at the Lied Senior Center this Sunday at around 1:00 pm (when the baked potato festivities are done).  This meeting is the deadline to bring some initial forms and a $100 deposit to reserve a spot.  Once we have committed numbers, we can make decisions on transportation and fundraising and related issues.  If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email or contact Pastor Mike.

BLUE VALLEY PANTRY:   Brown, white, boxed, bagged or even o’roni.  Grab some rice for the pantry any time this October and drop it in the box at the Rock.

Blessings on your week.

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