Happening at The Rock
- March 5, 2025, Taco & Nacho Meal – 5:30pm, Ash Wednesday Service – 6:30pm
- March 30, 2025, Celebrate Nico’s Birthday after worship
- May 6, 2025, Communion Class – 6:00pm
- June 19-26, 2025, Guatemala Mission Trip
- July 19-23, 2025, LCMS Youth Gathering

A Men’s Bible Study is starting for men who want to connect with other men of The Rock and reflect on what it means to be a disciple of God. This study will look at 10 men in the Bible and reflect on how God transformed each one. The group will meet every Tuesday from 7pm – 8:30pm at The Rock starting February 25, 2025 (informational meeting). Contact Todd Johnson for more details – 402.610.1936
A new After Church Bible Study that will go along with our sermon series is starting in Lent! We will dive deeper into the sermon series topic and have opportunity for discussion with others in the Bible Study.
It’s for everybody!

The Guatemala Mission team will be selling Guatemalan coffee. It will be available before and after church on February 16 and 23 OR by contacting a member of the Guatemala mission team.

The Guatemala Mission team will be serving a taco and nacho meal before worship on Ash Wednesday, March 5, from 5:30-6:30 pm. A freewill offering will be collected.

Download the Church Center app! This is a new way to see what’s happening at The Rock, access the directory, give electronically, and more! If you need help downloading the app, setting up recurring donations, or checking your profile information, contact Megan at the church office – 402.643.6624.

Our church family is growing!
Baby Owens – Parents Dylan & Emmi
Sizes: 1-3 Preferred brands: Millie Moon, Hello Bello, or Honest
Collecting from March 2-30
Please brings diapers to the Rock Café and put by the sign.
How Can You Serve at The Rock?
Many hands make light work and there are several ways that you could help out!
A few examples of opportunities:
- Manage the children’s clipboards by keeping them stocked with coloring pages and crayons
- Keep seat back pockets clear of trash and stocked with information cards, prayer cards, giving envelopes, etc.
- Welcome people as they enter and get name tags
- Be trained on how to run the slides, livestream, or sound
- Use your musical gifts in the band
- Help set up and clean up the Café on Sunday mornings
- Leading a Bible study
- Helping with children and youth activities
If you are interested in serving in any of these ways (or others not listed) please reach out by emailing [email protected].
Nebraska Lutherans for Life Essay Contest
Nebraska Lutherans for Life would like to invite students in grades 6-12 who are members of a Lutheran congregation or attend a Lutheran school in Nebraska to participate in this year’s Lutherans for Life Essay Contest, based on the 2025 Conference theme: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with the Bible verse: “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14.
One winner will be selected for grades 6-8 and one for grades 9-12. Winning entries (one from Grades 6-8 and one from Grades 9-12) will be awarded $100 each. The winning Nebraska essays will be entered in the national contest. Grand Prize for the national winning entry at each level will be $250 plus free conference registration to the 2025 National Conference and one night at a conference hotel. Second place national winners at each level will receive a $125 prize.
Essays should, of course, be the students’ individual, original work, but pastors, teachers, and parents are encouraged to discuss the criteria on which the essays will be judged. The same criteria will be used at both the state and national levels. Please request a copy of the rules and judging criteria from Bob Saeger, Nebraska LFL president, at [email protected]. Entries must be submitted electronically by March 15, 2025.

Our February item to donate in support of Blue Valley Community Action is soup. Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way. You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Year-round they also collect the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes.
The item for March is peanut butter.
Visit the YogaFaith Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.