Sunday, February 18, 2024
We were notified on Friday (2/16) by Pastor Doug Slavens that he is declining our call to serve as the next Pastor of the Rock. Please pray for Pastor Slavens and our brothers and sisters at Memorial Lutheran in Sioux Falls that God would bless his continued ministry there. It is now time to determine our next steps in the search for our next pastor. Please plan to attend a special voter’s meeting that will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 29, 2024, in the worship center at the Rock. The call committee will be meeting this week to review our options and prepare information and recommendations to present at the meeting. One possibility is to ask that a pastor graduating from the seminary be placed at the Rock. The deadline to make that application is March 1, 2024, which is why it is important to have a voter’s meeting soon. Between now and the meeting, please pray for the work of the call committee and for God’s clear guidance for the Rock. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Call Committee: Ross Briggs, Emma Dannehl, Jake Eckles, Marcus Gubanyi, Tim Moll, Matt Myers, Brenda Reif, Lori Bruns, and Andrea Sloup.