The Rock News: October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  Pastor Appreciation should be more than just a designated event on the calendar but an encouragement to him in service to God and the Church. How can you participate?

  1. Pray for your pastor daily.
  2. Creatively communicate words of encouragement to your pastor for his service to God and the Church with a card.
  3. Take special care to listen and respond to your pastor’s sermons.
  4. Team up with your local Christian bookstore to recognize and honor your pastor by giving a gift card to purchase a book or other special items.
  5. Send a Pastor Appreciation gift basket which includes thoughtful gifts for your pastor’s kids and your pastor’s wife.
  6. Be aware of the unique needs of the pastor’s children by providing financial help for camp, youth group retreats or missionary trips.
  7. Invite them to a dinner or party with your family and friends


This only scratches the surface of what you can do to show your appreciation to pastor and his family for their service to God, Forever Family at The Rock, and community.

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