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Rock News
- This Sunday, we continue our series on Jonah. The book of Jonah is a quick read, so consider taking a look at it before Sunday’s service.
- Changes for this Wednesday night’s kids activities! On Wednesday, October 3, children in K-4th grades will be meeting at Holthus Plaza at Concordia University (the fountain and bench area between Janzow and Thom). They’ll be visiting students along with our comfort dog, Nicodemus, and inviting them to worship at The Rock. Please bring your children by 6:30 and pick them up in the same location at 7:30. Pre-K students will still meet at The Rock. Middle school students in 5-8th grades should meet at Zabka Funeral Home (410 Jackson Ave) at 6:30. Parents should pick them up from the funeral home at 7:30.
Also, on both October 17 and 31 there will be no Stepping Stones or FaithInk.
- We’re still filling up our Blue Valley Food Pantry collection box with our September item of boxed meals. Add some to your shopping list and bring it along to bless others. The collection box is in The Rock cafe. In October, we’ll be collecting rice.
- We have faith growth opportunities on Sunday mornings: Going Deeper, room 213, 8:45 with Pastor Mike; Women’s study, room 217, 8:45, with Ann Schranz.
- Women’s Midweek Bible Study: If you are free in the mornings, there is a Bible Study open to all women. We meet every Thursday morning from 10:15 am-11:30 am in the Rock Café. There is no homework! We study a Proverbs 31 devotion and usually have time for prayer. We would love to have you join us. Please email Sara Moll at if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions.
- YogaFaith at The Rock: Marge Rhodes is now teaching Yoga at The Rock on Thursdays at 5:30pm, starting September 13. All are welcome! YogaFaith with Sara Moll and Erika Rolf meets in Room 216 on the following dates: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm – Sept. 4, 11, 25 (no class Sept. 18) and Fridays at 9:45 am – Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.