Rock News

Dear Friends:

Here’s the last summer edition of Rock news:

  1. THIS SUNDAY:  Holy No. 2 pencils!  It’s back to school time!  Many schools are starting next week with all the others following soon.  Take a break from buying school supplies and lacing up those new school shoes and join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the Lied Senior Center for a special back to school Sunday before we start another series.
  2. GOING DEEPER:  Looking for some time to dig a little deeper into the bible?  Come to the Lied Senior Center a little early (at 8:45 a.m.).  The group is starting a new discussion called, “The Bible On Trial:  Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.”
  3. ACCESS THE ROCK: Do you want to know more about what the Rock is all about and what we teach and believe?  Are you interested in finding out what it means to a member of the Rock?  Plan to join us for the next Access the Rock time from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 pm on Sunday, August 23.  We’ll meet right at the Lied Senior Center and pizza and drinks will be provided.  If you have questions or if you would like to attend, please respond to this email or talk to Pastor Mike on Sunday or message Pastor Mike on the Rock’s facebook page.
  4. WORK NIGHT WEDNESDAY ON THURSDAY THIS WEEK!  Work night at the new Rock will be on Thursday this coming week.  The new Rock is at 237 S. 2ndand work time usually runs from 5pm to 8pm or so.
  5. CHAIR-IT-ABLE CONTRIBUTIONS.  We’re getting so close to our goal of 300 chairs for the new Rock that I can hardly stand it.  I think I need to sit down.  Please help get us over the top.
  6. WOMEN OF FAITH.  This year’s Women of Faith conference is August 28-29 at Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln.  We currently have 30 women signed up to go (praise God!).  There are a few tickets left at the price of $84.45 to sit in the lower section with the group from the Rock.   If you are interested please contact Sue Briggs at 402-430-9158 or [email protected].  This is the farewell tour after 20 years so don’t miss out!  Want to know more about the conference?  Click here:
  7. STEPPING STONES #1:    All families who have children (ages 3 to grade 4) are encouraged to register for Stepping Stones on The Rock’s website on the children’s page.  To get to the page, click on the “Connect” tab and select “Children.”  Stepping Stones will meet on Wednesdays and begin onWednesday, Sept. 9 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the new Rock facility (237 S. 2nd).  More info is available on the children’s page on the website (
  8. STEPPING STONES #2: Stepping Stones is in the need of some supplies for the upcoming year.  Watch for the display at The ROCK THIS SUNDAY to see what is needed and how you can donate various items.
  9. STEPPING STONES #3:  Any adults who are interested in helping with Stepping Stones (children’s ministry at The ROCK for ages 3-grade 4) this year are welcome to join the team!  Concordia students are welcome to participate too!  Contact Holly Parry, Andrea Sloup or any other Stepping Stones team members for more information or e-mail questions to [email protected].
  10. BLUE VALLEY PANTRY:   Did you know that you can buy and share a little bit of Jesus’ love vacuum packed in its own juice?  Grab a few cans of fruit and drop them off at the Rock this Sunday to help a family in need.

Blessings on your weekend.

Tim Moll

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